May Predictions

May Predictions

By: Carol Willis

CAROL WILLIS, M.A., has been a professional astrologer, expert intuitive, and educator in Silicon Valley since 1970. Specialties include career transitions, business, professional growth, relationship compatibility, and relocation astrology. She writes for the Psychic Reader every other month, alternating with Carol Cilliers, Director of BPI-Mountain View. Carol Willis may be reached for consultations at (408) 720-9441, or email

(Hint: If you know your Rising Sign, also known as the Ascendant, read your horoscope for that sign, as it will often give you a better reading than for your Sun sign. To find out your Rising Sign, ask an astrologer to calculate your birthchart. You'll need full birthdate, exact time of birth as shown on the birth certificate, and city/state/country of birth.)

ARIES (March 21-April 20) (or Aries Rising):

Aries buckles down for new responsibilities and a deeper look at life purpose in May. Career opportunities are ripe for the picking. Re-evaluate your investment portfolio and strategy, and find the best places to put the extra money coming your way. Look at what's most important to you now, what you could release, and take action now to simplify your life. TAURUS (April 21-May 20) (or Taurus Rising):

Taurus is in its glory this month. Your garden and the great outdoors await you! You are versatile, creative, and have lots of extra energy to accomplish your projects now. Keep your's channeled in constructive directions to avoid frustration and angry scenes. This May is good for Taurus to pursue foreign travel, especially if you mix business with pleasure.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21) (or Gemini Rising):

Gemini is busy enjoying all the beauties and pleasures of spring! "Appreciation" is your keyword during May. Your curiosity actively pursues many new ideas and interests. Spruce up your bookcases and the area around your computer; get rid of deadwood and add a touch of elegance. While you're at it, it wouldn't be a bad idea to purge your entire work environment to give a feeling of more space and freedom.

CANCER (June 22-July 22) (or Cancer Rising):

Relationship opportunities abound, especially with responsible and accomplished souls you can respect, for a change. How's that for good news? May is good for Cancer to gad about socially, reconnect with friends, and network. Do something sensual with friends like gourmet dining, hot-tubbing, attend a flower exhibit, visit an art gallery, invite them over for a visit in your beautiful backyard garden.

LEO (July 23-August 23) (or Leo Rising):

Work associates are in a mood to grow and expand their awareness and responsibility levels. Professional growth is in order for you and your team. Become more competent in the areas you've been avoiding. If you're your own boss, May is ideal for big promotional campaigns and getting your name out there in lights. Continue being steadfast in family matters.

VIRGO (August 24- Sept 23) (or Virgo Rising):

Virgo is inspired during May. Your mind entertains the most elegant and practical ideas simultaneously. You are especially charming during May, and your aesthetic sense in how you present yourself and your projects will be noticed by others. You may have a special message to bring to people now, so don't hesitate to speak forth your truth.

LIBRA (Sept 24- Oct 23) (or Libra Rising):

May is a good money month for Libra. You may also be thinking of spending some money on foreign travel and/or an educational program. New friends this month may be foreign-born and/or well-educated. Current partners are going through challenges; hang in there and support them however you can. Your home and garden are looking very handsome this spring.

SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 21) (or Scorpio Rising):

The focus for Scorpio is on holding the torch for something you really believe in. Focus is also on partnerships, which can be rocky and volatile, especially if one or both parties refuses to see the viewpoint of the other side. Any fights are intense and quickly over, so don't hold a grudge or be vengeful. Respect each other's right to evaluate for himself.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21) (or Sagittarius Rising):

Sagittarians are going through many purges on all levels, coming face to face with ignorance, cruelty, neglect, and life-and-death matters. Spring energies are a welcome relief from the doldrums of winter, and Sagittarius longs to be free again. Purge as much clutter and old energy from your physical space as possible -- and don't replace it! Get outside and move. Remember yourself as spirit.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19) (or Capricorn Rising):

Capricorn continues "on a roll" and in a major growth period. You're finding out what you're all about, the stuff you're made of, what you're prepared your whole life for. Take time out in May to attend to fun and children. Play in your garden or get away for the weekend to a beautiful natural setting. Enjoy the finest music, foods, flowers, textiles, sports, love -- the best life has to offer.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18) (or Aquarius Rising):

Aquarius enjoys being wild and crazy this spring, doing and saying the unexpected! At the same time, Aquarius enjoys all the comforts of home during May -- garden, soft pillows, art, carpets, favorite foods, music, and family. Your being shines "out there" in the world with the consciousness of an initiate, holding down the space for something magnificent to happen in the future.

PISCES (Feb 19 - March 20) (or Pisces Rising):

Pisces enjoys communication during May and has lots of new ideas to write down! Keep a journal at home, plus lists and scratch paper everywhere! You'll run into old friends and talk with people you haven't seen in a long time -- just walking around town! Develop a new mock-up for how you want to handle your money situation in the next year; allow spirit to go before you and prepare the way.


By: Carol Willis

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