Readers' Letters - May,96

Readers' Letters

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From harjono zain al-abidin Email:

Certainly a most attractive website has been spun by your group and here is our appreciation in being able to share in it and if it is allowed we hope to contribute to your pages in the near future - our area of interest will be in the javanese and malay interpretations of the path and how our peoples here find the way.

From Adam Girard Email:
I was wondering if you could give me a few good web sites for a map of where buddhism is worshiped and/or believed in, and how many people there are that worship.


I knew if I looked, I would find something like this (seek and you shall find, right?), and I've been enjoying looking at the current issue whenever I have a few minutes. I've been trying to think of something to share with other readers out there. Have you ever heard this:
"May the long time sun shine on you, all love surround you, and the pure light within you guide your way on"?
It was on a 1960s record that my parents had; the record was called "The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter" by a group called The Incredible String Band. I'm not sure whether they're the origin of the blessing, however. Bye for now.

The Incredible String Band were favourites of mine, I thought I had The Hangmans Beautiful Daughter but records have been cleared or stored somewhere and I couldn't find it. However this one came to mind...words by Mike Heron
'Breathing, all creatures are
Brighter than the brightest star
You are by far
You come right inside of me
Close as you can be
you kiss my blood and my blood kiss me'.
I hope you continue to enjoy The Weaver . Many blessings Alex

Thank you for your reply to my note! The quote you sent me from the Incredible String Band is lovely; I'd like to do it up as a calligraphed card for someone. Really, there can be nothing more refreshing than reading such a message in my morning e-mails! If you can get "The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter," it has other really striking lyrics as well. There's one song called "The Waltz of the New Moon" and another called "The Water Song," which includes the lines God made a song when the world was new, Water's laughter sings it through Lots of other ones, as well. Yours with gratitude and warm wishes, Francesca

From Sandy Abouzeid Email:

I would like more information about your organization. I am a psychotherapist with a practise in Wellington, Fl. I am leading a retreat in Sedona, Arizona June 28th - July 3rd. The theme is connecting to Inner Wisdom, Inner Mother and Mother Earth. We are participating in many of the Native American healing rites. My division, Voices of Wellness Productions is seeking other Voices of Wellness for a CD-ROM product which will incorporate inspirational snippets, original music, art and photography to create a Serenity Series of Virtual Wellness Centers. Please respond if you would like to participate or know of others who might. Thank you, Sandy.

From Megn Noel Email:

I happened upon The Weaver as I was perusing "The Spirit of Truth" page. I clicked on down the many links the page holds and I came upon a section where I was immediately drawn to the name of some individual - whom I cannot remember now. Somehow, his link brought me to you. I have enjoyed reading your April & March issue. I have not read all, but the articles I was interested in were very high quality. The Astrology section is a very fine touch. Being an astrologer myself, it was wonderful to see this subject being spun across the web in "The Weaver". I would like to share in your interactivity as this is stated in your issues. Please send me what ever you have so we can begin to communicate. Oh, by the way...I have dropped the "a" in Megan. So please don't see as miss- pelling. Love *** and light to all at..**..The Weaver.

From: Pat Mcelroy Email:

I just discovered your site - enjoyed reading the magazine -- I would like to join your newsgroup --Sufi is not familiar to me but seems like something I would enjoy knowing more about -- thanks --- patti

From Jo May Email:

Having got a new computer and fast modem I can now see your pages properly. Wow! The Weaver looks absolutely terrific! Brilliant work, Alex and Weaver team.

From: (Eleanor Kohloss)
Concerning weaver/95/25_11/east/sufi/sufism.htm
I would like to know the words to "The Spirit of Guidance. Love harmony beauty.." I heard it at a meeting for Dances of Universal Peace a few years ago.
Subject: Re: Universal Dances of Peace Thanks for your mail, I don't have the words but have sent your mail to Ayesha who I am sure will be in touch. It begins: "Toward the One...The spirit of harmony.." and that is all I can recall. We may never pass this way again.
Reply from Ayesha Foot
These words (of Hazrat Inayat Khan) come from the invocation often used at the beginnings of dance meetings. The full prayer is Towards the One, the perfection of love, harmony and beauty, the Only Being, united with all the illuminated souls who form the embodiment of the Master, the Spirit of Guidance. There are also two dances which use part or all of these words. Both are available on tape. Love and blessings, Ayesha

Subject: Terence McKenna Freedom of Speech Questioned
CONTACT: Robin Johnson 310.395.9945x802 / 310.963.0921 Leslie Rossman @ 415.282.5697

UCLA/VA ATTEMPT TO SILENCE DRUG REFORM SPEAKER Representatives for noted author, explorer and drug reform advocate Terence McKenna have announced that his Friday evening "Think Along" event will occur as scheduled in spite of UCLA's last minute cancellation of their 5 month signed and paid for contract. After the news of McKenna's appearance at the Wadsworth Theatre ran in a Los Angeles Times feature piece on Friday, May 3, tour coordinator Robin Johnson received an early morning call from the UCLA Office of Public Events and was informed that an unnamed person in the Veterans Administration had ordered UCLA to violate the contract and to stop the May 10th event at the Wadsworth Theater.

"This is a flagrant attempt on the part of federal bureaucrats to stifle discussion of drug reform by trampling on the first amendment and ignoring the conventions of contract law.". McKenna said.

This pivotal constitutional issue is attracting wide spread public attention as well as concern of senior elected officials and organizations committed to defend first amendment rights. The event is now scheduled to occur on the UCLA Campus at Griffin Commons located in Sunset Village beginning at 8:00pm.

# # # For more information and interviews contact Robin Johnson at 310-395-9945 x 802 or 310-963-0921, or Leslie Rossman at 415-282-5697.

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