Editorial - May/June 96


Of Mice and Things

This month has been a month of strange encounters, some external, others from this strange other world known only by the inhabitants. Navigated by mouse, nose to the ground, squeaking and clicking, in search of tidbits.

The search for knowledge by this curious mouse is insatiable, I wonder does he still see beyond the world of the crawlers and searchers or does he think that the answer to the Universe will pop out at him with the ultimate click.

Well, pondering weighty questions, such as - Can belief and faith be as useful as 'real' knowledge? Will the seemingly inaccessible( to me that is) language of mathematics, that poetry of the physicist, be the gateway to other dimensions? Are scientists re-discovering their roots in philosophy at last? What hope is there for us, the searchers of the soul, to share in the wider wonders of the stars and beyond? Can belief and faith find a wormhole into other dimensions, without knowing the language?

I have spent hours in the woods walking and meditating (in a very undisciplined way) and as I sat in the evening sunlight, having paused for a rest, after a day of clicking and squeaking, working hopefully towards a greater understanding of my three dimensional world, I found myself gazing at a real life dormouse taking the sun outside her hole (judging by her fat tum she was a very pregnant mouse), front paws folded across her stomach she sat on her back feet in utter contentment at being a mouse. A definite sense of sharing something. Yes, I thought, I too can be content, tomorrow brings another day of being human, continuing the search for greater understanding, letting go of expectations of knowing the ultimate answer, as always it is the journey that is important. Belief and faith will sustain me after all.

By: Alex Campbell

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