Applied Ecopsychology Advanced Degree Program Being Designed

Project NatureConnect has an invitation to design and offer a low cost, hands-on MA or Ph.D. independent study and correspondence course program in Applied Ecopsychology starting this summer.

For the next few weeks we invite people to contact us who have suggestions or experiences that would help build a program that could best meet the needs of its participants and Earth. Feel free to contact us or join our "ad hoc"program committee at



"We seldom honor that nature and Earth are illiterate." -M.J. Cohen

Applied Ecopsychology enables the fun, beauty and wisdom of the natural world to enhance our daily lives and vice versa. It is a science that encourages people to make attractive sensory connections with natural areas, backyard or back country. Enjoyably, these non-verbal connections feelingly enter our consciousness, letting Earth speak. People share these feelings with others, nurturing community spirit. Engaging in this science has proven to reduce stress, recycle our thinking, and catalyze responsible personal, social and environmental relationships. All things become partners in personal and global recovery.

Sample the Applied Ecopsychology process by sending a non-message e-mail to

Full information is available at

Project NatureConnect
Independent study methods and materials, courses and degree programs PO Box 1605 Friday Harbor WA 98250

(360) 378-6313

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