Counselling - Receiving(1)

What Must I Do To Receive?

By: Rajesh Ananda

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Q: What must I do to receive?

A: The question was "How do I receive?" - which is beautiful because for the questioner it indicates reaching a certain stage of her personal evolution where the whole emphasis of her life is changing. From being a taker to learning to become a giver, so the questioner asks "How do I receive?".

Receptivity depends on ones own mental make up and how open the heart is to receive, because what closes the receptivity is the patternings of the mind. So it is in fact the mind that stops the receptivity of the Spiritual Self, it creates a block, so we as meditators become naturally receptive as we unveil or unpattern the different layers of our samskaras which is our problem area.

Now, are you ready to receive? That is the big question. One reaches a certain stage in ones Unfoldment where naturally and quite spontaneously because of our Unfoldment we become more receptive, and when we're more receptive we automatically receive. As we go along through conscious effort we unfold, we draw this grace to us. As we know in our system through the Gurushakti practice we draw this energy - this Divine energy which before was intangible to us, but through our practices this energy becomes a tangible force as our lives are accentuated by regularity in meditation, but do you know that this is just the start because by your own good actions you can draw this powerful life force to you, by the good things you do in your daily life.

Initially we are unconscious when we first start on the Spiritual path that these energies exist, but as we go along these become more tangible and this starts a process which is accentuated by our own conscious effort and that's why we advocate this so, so much because if you do a good deed, if you do any good deed in your daily life automatically you would draw this grace to you. It comes by itself, so the more you unfold and the more you do more good positive creative deeds the more Gurushakti or Divine energy is drawn to you, and the more energy you draw to yourself its blood brother of receptivity also happens. So you become more and more open, you become more and more receptive so basically all you have to do, (you don't have to be conscious of receiving), all you have to do is be effortfull in daily living.

For someone to ask "How do I receive?" means that they believe they are not receiving which in fact is a fallacy. If you look - how many things do we not receive every day? The breath that we breathe - is that not a gift of Divinity each and every day? So if you look closer within your environment you will find an offering of Divinity. It's there for you to take and just by Unfolding yourself you will naturally receive it. That's why we have these Togatherings to advocate all the principles we teach - Be regular in your practices - that is the first step to become receptive.

If we look at our samskaric values or this level of the mind we will find it to be like the silt at the bottom of a pond. As we go beyond the mind which we do through personally prescribed meditation, we dive deep within and begin to infuse the energies in the depths of the mind into these conditioned patterned areas and a change in emphasis takes place within this area, and this area becomes more porous and more of the Divine light or Divine energy filters through, so the greatest receiving is in fact from yourself. We always feel that we have to receive from something external to us, we view Divinity as being up there somewhere in the clouds, when Divinity is inside of us.

The receiving we really need is from inside not from outside, and as we go along as we unfold on the Spiritual Path we realise more and more that everything lies within, if we are troubled it is a reflection of something within we projected outside, but it always comes - its basis is from within.

So, how do I receive means that we make this area, this patterned area more and more receptive and allow those Divine energies to flood us. Gururaj always used to use the analogy 'the subconscious mind would become like a colander". In other words what was a solid area becomes penetrable and this Divine force as it begins to penetrate, it brings down all the walls of our personality and our heart - so we automatically become receptive, so that is the process of receiving. it's not having someone pat you on the back or give you a cheque - which would be nice too, but, the true reception is when we receive within ourselves the Unfoldment, that's why you are all here.

We are seekers of truth, we are aiming for a higher life. We do not accept the moral standings that are given to us, that's why we sit here - we have questioned - 'not this - not this'. There must be a greater purpose to our lives than what we see around us which is a total surface existence. We are seeking to find something of greater depth, greater fulfilment - that's why we are here. So even in this short time that we are together, as I always say, we have a chance of 'Surveying our Souls', having a look at "Who we are" and "Why we are here", maybe overcoming adversities that stand between us and greater happiness and self fulfilment, so for those that are new on your first Togathering - welcome! It's very addictive actually because once you have been on one you will want to come to them all.

We hope you will because in these few days there is a great release of energy, and collectively we all add to this process and this allows us to deal with matters very close to hand and heart, so that when we leave here our journey for the next however many months or years will be enhanced, more fulfilling. If we look very closely at each moment of our day we will find it rich with experience, lessons and messages from that Divinity within us - it's just that we are Spiritually deaf, we are Spiritually blind - we neither hear nor see these things - but "Thank God", as we go along our ears and our eyes are slowly opened and great awakenings dawn.

There will be some great awakenings this week, that is for sure and that I promise you, that is my job that is my service to you, I am unhappy with your unhappiness, I am sorrowful with your sorrow, I am angry at your anguish, but the essence is that I love you. When I say "I" I speak for Jasmini and I as one, and it is the power that that love maybe in some little way can touch your life and uplift you, point you in a new direction, give you the strength to walk the path as a brave warrior because life is definitely a challenge in this crazy world which we have been part in creating collectively. Our society brings about these problems or these falsehoods. We are like rebels aren't we? What we are really saying here is "No" I don't accept that, I want to find something which is far greater, more fulfilling, so why should we accept the norm. So you have to be willing to work as a warrior, fighting all odds if you want Spiritual reward, if you want to find Divinity you must be willing to work.

So receptivity depends on how ready you are to receive. How ready - and the harder you work the more you shall receive, just have an open heart.

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