Magic - Beyond Duality -The Art of Transcendance

Beyond Duality

The Art of Transcendance

A Review

This delightful book by Laurence Galian makes the use of magick in everyday life more than a possibility, in fact after reading this book, most people will find it a probability. Magick has never been made more accessible, sigils, talismania, symbology and archetypes are all explained in a way that we can use them. We are asked to make room for what we want in life, to look at duality, the good and the bad, and then to find the third point. Manifest change in your life, energise yourself and your dreams, call for help from the future. Magick thrives on chaos created by change, read this great little book and have fun in the process of creating a different reality.

Alex Campbell

Press Release

NEW MAGICKAL BOOK RELEASE TODAY! ******************************** When a contingent of bi-planes take off in the 1933 movie "King Kong" to battle the fictional gorilla, they take off from property now owned by Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. Today a new non-fictional endeavor is being launched from this site. NEW FALCON PUBLICATIONS is releasing the first book of LAURENCE GALIAN, Senior Dance Accompanist at Hofstra University. The book is entitled: BEYOND DUALITY: THE ART OF TRANSCENDENCE.

"BEYOND DUALITY: The Art of Transcendence" is a treasure-house of magickal arts and techniques for manifesting one's goals and desires. It is directed toward those practitioners of the Western Mystery Tradition, Qabalah, Chaos Magick, Ceremonial Magick, Wicca and Shamanism who want to deepen their knowledge of the field.

Galian asserts that "This book reveals the key to the manifestation of all things through the differentiation into pairs of opposites and their union in a third."

About the book, Rachel Pollack, the internationally known Tarot expert, writes: "Laurence Galian has the delightful ability to take the abstruse language and dense imagery of traditional Hermetic ideas and transform them into something fresh and immediately accessible. BEYOND DUALITY shows that Hermeticism does not have to be hidden (occulted), but can help people in living their lives."

Chapters include: The Caduceus of Hermes, Imagistic Magick, Serpentine Ecstasies, Sigil Magick, The Complete Way of Power, Food Magick, The Serpent Lightning Rod, The Hegelian Dialectic, Body-Building Magick, Extra-Terrestrial Incarnations, Awakening Prehistoric Atavisms, The Triangle of Manifestation, IAO, The Roswell Declaration, The Secret Heart of AUM, Horus & Set, and Sex Magick.

Laurence Galian, pianist, writer, lecturer, composer, teacher of ancient lore and modern wisdom, was born in Manhattan on April 5, 1954 (Aries, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising). He has always approached metaphysics and the spirit world with a ruthless honesty: he uses what works and discards the rest.

"BEYOND DUALITY: THE ART OF TRANSCENDENCE" (ISBN # 1-56184-076-9), 160 pages, $12.95 illustrated. To obtain a copy of the book call: (602)708-1409 or write: NEW FALCON PUBLICATIONS, 1739 East Broadway Road, Suite 1-277, Tempe, Arizona 85282. (Include $2.00 for postage and handling).

The book is fully illustrated with original illustrations by Denise Cuttitta.

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