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iPhone Calendar Starting on Sunday

Annoyed that the iPhone's Calendar app shows the weeks starting with Monday, although iCal (and most paper calendars) start on Sunday? Here's the answer: go to Settings > General > International and change the Region Format from English to United States.

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Don Walker



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Article 1 of 2 in series

Two Bytes of the Cherry: Unicode and Mac OS X, Part 1

If you're using Mac OS X, a massive revolution is proceeding unnoticed on your computer. No, I don't mean Unix, preemptive multitasking, or any other familiar buzzwordsShow full article

Article 2 of 2 in series

Two Bytes of the Cherry: Unicode and Mac OS X, Part 2

In the first part of this article, I introduced you to Unicode, a grand unification scheme whereby every character in every writing system would be represented by a unique value, up to a potential one million distinct characters and symbolsShow full article

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