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Quick Look Shortcut in Expose on Snow Leopard

In Expose mode in Snow Leopard, hover your mouse pointer over a window and press the Space bar to view a larger Quick Look version of that window.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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DealBITS Drawing: DoorStop X Security Suite

Although the Mac world isn't nearly as scary as the Windows world when it comes to malware and intrusions, it's still a good idea for any Mac directly connected to the Internet to have a firewall in place. But although Apple includes an open source firewall that is capable of protecting you, it doesn't give you many options, nor does it tell you what to make of the near-constant Internet pokes and prods on your Mac that emanate from malicious people and bots. To address these concerns, long-time Mac developer and ISP Open Door Networks (who wrote the first firewall for the Mac many years ago), have come up with the DoorStop X Security Suite. It includes DoorStop X, which provides an easier interface, more flexibility, and better logging than the built-in firewall. Also included are the Who's There? Firewall Advisor, which helps you make additional sense of the logged access attempts, and the second edition of "Internet Security for Your Macintosh," a comprehensive ebook about security on the Macintosh. All three products are integrated, so, for instance, you can use Who's There? not just to understand a particular attack, but also to pull up relevant sections from the book and to protect the attacked service in the firewall.


In this week's DealBITS drawing, you can enter to win one of three copies of the DoorStop X Security Suite, each worth $79. Entrants who aren't among our lucky winners will receive a discount on the DoorStop X Security Suite, so be sure to enter at the DealBITS page linked below. All information gathered is covered by our comprehensive privacy policy. Be careful with your spam filters, since you must be able to receive email from my address to learn if you've won. Remember too, that if someone you refer to this drawing wins, you'll receive the same prize as a reward for spreading the word.



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