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iMovie '09: Speed Clips up to 2,000%

iMovie '09 brings back the capability to speed up or slow down clips, which went missing in iMovie '08. Select a clip and bring up the Clip Inspector by double-clicking the clip, clicking the Inspector button on the toolbar, or pressing the I key. Just as with its last appearance in iMovie HD 6, you can move a slider to make the video play back slower or faster (indicated by a turtle or hare icon).

You can also enter a value into the text field to the right of the slider, and this is where things get interesting. You're not limited to the tick mark values on the slider, so you can set the speed to be 118% of normal if you want. The field below that tells you the clip's changed duration.

But you can also exceed the boundaries of the speed slider. Enter any number between 5% and 2000%, then click Done.

Visit iMovie '09 Visual QuickStart Guide



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MobileMe Repairs Itself for Little Old Me

My home MacBook's Address Book is finally, blissfully, in sync with the rest of my datasphere. As I wrote about in "MobileMe Fails to Launch Well, But Finally Launches," 2008-07-12, my work Mac Pro and my 2G iPhone both seemed to cope with the changeover for MobileMe without a hitch. Once the Web applications started to work, I could see the same data either instantly or within moments at, on the Mac Pro, or on the iPhone.

Not so with my MacBook. I tried everything. Reset the sync. Unregistered all computers with MobileMe and restarted. Deleted files in my Application Support directory. Used Console to read log files. Talked (unofficially) with some folks at Apple. Posted to the Apple forums. Nada. I even imported all my data from the Mac Pro into my MacBook's Address Book just to see if a corrupted record might have been the problem. Nope.

And, then, last night it just started to work. Nothing to see here, move along now. With all my systems synchronized, I am finally starting to appreciate the new push and semi-push (15 minute delay on desktop) efforts that Apple made. I updated some phone number information for my parents, and by the time I checked on my MacBook, the details were updated. I deleted some garbled contacts via, and a few seconds later, they were gone from the iPhone.


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