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Turn Word 2008 Notes into a To-Do List

In the Word 2008 Notebook Layout View (View > Notebook Layout View), bring up the Formatting Palette (View > Formatting Palette). Look for the Note Flags section in the Formatting Palette. Select the flag type, type in your reminder or even assign yourself an Entourage 2008 task. Check off your to-dos once the task is complete.

Visit Mactopia - Word 2008

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Microsoft MacBU



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/20-Feb-06

The first link for each thread description points to the traditional TidBITS Talk interface; the second link points to the same discussion on our Web Crossing server, which provides a different look and which may be faster.

Paperless Office Quote -- A search for the origin of a quote on the "paperless office" sparks discussion about whether we'll ever stop working with so many dead trees. (23 messages)


iWeb and filename length -- iWeb can create filenames longer than 64 characters, causing problems with some Web servers. (2 messages)


Non-iPod MP3 Players on a Mac -- What are the options for using a portable music player that's not an iPod? (4 messages)


Dial-Up Router -- What wireless options are available when your only Internet connection is via dial-up modem? We look at a few routers that incorporate modems. (2 messages)


Power Outlets in Airports -- Adam's article bemoaning the lack of power outlets in airports prompts suggestions for working around the problem. (4 messages)


Power in the wild -- Uninterruptible power supplies can help provide power when working in the field (for charging camera batteries, for example), but some models are more configurable than others. (4 messages)


OmniGraffle vs. other diagramming programs -- Matt Neuburg's recent look at OmniGraffle makes some readers wonder how it compares to similar tools. (9 messages)


iWeb '06 install issue -- A problem that we ran into while installing the iWeb 1.0.1 update appears to be related to how Apple's installer is determining which applications are running. (4 messages)


OmniGraffle vs -- Apple's Mail application sometimes mistakenly opts to save attachments within Finder bundles. (4 messages)



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