Thoughtful, detailed coverage of the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, plus the best-selling Take Control ebooks.


Extend Mac OS X's Screenshots

Mac OS X has a variety of built in screenshot methods. Here's a look at a few that offer more versatility than the basic full-screen capture (Command-Shift-3):

ΓÇó Press Command-Shift-4 and you'll get a crosshair cursor with which you can drag to select and capture a certain area of the screen.

ΓÇó Press Command-Shift-4-Space to select the entire window that the cursor is over, clicking on the window will then capture it. The resulting screenshot will even get a nice drop shadow.

ΓÇó Hold down the Space bar after dragging out a selection window to move your selection rectangle around on the screen.

ΓÇó Hold down Shift after dragging out a selection to constrain the selection in either horizontal or vertical orientation, depending on the direction of your drag.

ΓÇó Hold down Option after dragging out a selection to expand the selection window around a center point.

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Take Control News/05-Dec-05

PayPal Now Accepted for Take Control Orders -- Thanks to an upgrade to our shopping cart functionality from our friends at eSellerate, we can now accept PayPal payments for Take Control ebooks. The process of ordering remains almost exactly the same, but at the Billing Info screen, you can now choose between paying via credit card and paying via PayPal. If you select the PayPal radio button, the credit card fields disappear, and clicking the Continue Checkout button displays first a PayPal login screen and then a PayPal authorization screen, after which you're returned to the Confirm Order screen in our cart to finish your order. So, if you prefer to purchase online items with money from your PayPal account, or if you've had trouble with using your credit card in the past, give the new PayPal option a try for your next order.

"Take Control of Podcasting on the Mac" Released -- If you're excited about the idea of creating your very own podcast but need help getting started or working efficiently, you can now hop on the podcasting bandwagon with the start-to-finish guidance in our latest ebook, "Take Control of Podcasting on the Mac." Written by long-time podcaster Andy Williams Affleck, "Take Control of Podcasting on the Mac" leads you along the path to podcasting success from beginning to end. Andy starts by helping you think about your topic, format, and polish; assemble the best audio gear; and understand the pros and cons of recording in four popular programs - Audio Hijack Pro, GarageBand, Audacity, and SoundStudio. You'll find step-by-step directions for how to record in each of those programs, along with instructions on how to edit your recording by mixing in additional audio and eliminating any awkward bits. Andy also explains how (and why) to encode and tag your podcast file. Finally, he discusses how to choose a podcast publishing tool, offers essential advice about bandwidth costs, and gives you seven ways to promote your podcast. The ebook is available on its own for $10 or in a $17.50 bundle with "Take Control of Recording in GarageBand."

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"Take Control of Apple Mail in Tiger" Released -- If you use Apple Mail in Tiger, and if you want to use it more effectively or have unanswered questions about its behavior, we highly recommend that you read our latest ebook - "Take Control of Apple Mail in Tiger." Written by the inimitable Joe Kissell, the ebook provides the guidance you need with regard to Mail 2.0.

Joe has been writing this ebook for months as an update to a previous ebook that he wrote about Mail in Panther. Along the way, he has carefully researched the new features: searching with Spotlight, changes to the interface, the best ways to use smart mailboxes, the practical upshot of Mail now supporting HTML, how to work with meeting invitations, using Mail with .Mac, and more. As Joe wrote (and wrote, and wrote, and wrote) he added more than 80 pages, so the ebook now weighs in at 184 well-organized pages, chock full of exactly the sort of info that you need to get your work done and use the software in an enjoyable, efficient manner.

You'll learn about the different email protocols Mail supports, the best ways to set up new accounts, how to import messages and addresses, and how to manage Mail's parental controls. That's just the beginning, as Joe next explains how to customize your incoming mail view for fast browsing of messages, control styles in incoming messages, display slideshows of attached photos, reply to meeting invitations, find messages using Spotlight, and organize mail into smart mailboxes. Then, he turns to outgoing mail, offering quick ways to address messages, tricks for sending attachments, and information on Mail's new HTML support. You will also find seven key bits of advice about rules, five ways to improve the Previous Recipients list used for spam filtering and address completion, and six suggestions for smart mailboxes. Going beyond the feature set, Joe offers solutions to connection problems, fixes for damaged mailboxes, and tweaks to improve Spotlight's accuracy. An extensive glossary and 11-page resource list of Mail-related products anchor the ebook.

The ebook is available on its own for $10 or in a $12.50 bundle with the updated-for-Tiger "Take Control of Spam with Apple Mail." Get them both while they're hot!

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"Take Control of Spam with Apple Mail" Updated -- We've just released version 1.2 of "Take Control of Spam with Apple Mail." The update adds coverage of the Tiger version of Mail, plus looks at updated versions of spam-fighting software and other techniques in the effort to eliminate spam. The update is free for current owners; to get it, click your ebook's Check for Updates button. Here's a list of the most important changes:

  • Deleted several sections describing bugs exclusive to the Panther version of Mail that have been resolved in the Tiger version.
  • Updated wording and instructions in several places to cover the Tiger version of Mail.
  • Clarified the instructions for retraining Mail's Junk Mail filter, should that be necessary.
  • Completely rewrote the section "Use Add-On Spam Filters" to describe new or updated third-party anti-spam software that works with Mail.
  • Added a new section about using disposable email addresses.
  • Expanded the discussion of how you can use rules to get more out of Mail.

If you haven't yet read "Take Control of Spam with Apple Mail," and you're finding that the Junk Mail filter in Apple Mail isn't doing as well as you think it should, be sure to pick up a copy today! You shouldn't have to live with spam in your Inbox.

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