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Add Slides to Pear Note from Other Applications

If you have some slides in any application, and you'd like to add them to a Pear Note document, there's no need to save them out and then import them into Pear Note. Instead, you can send them directly to Pear Note through a PDF service. For instance, if you had slides in Keynote, just:

  1. Select Print within Keynote.
  2. Click the PDF button.
  3. Select Send PDF to Pear Note.

This can also be used to import other document types into Pear Note to take notes on them as well.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/16-May-05

The second URL below each thread description points to the discussion on our Web Crossing server, which will be faster.

'Evil' Widgets in Dashboard -- Here we go again. It seems that it may not be entirely safe to download Dashboard widgets; read on for details. (8 messages)


Moving between base stations under Tiger -- Moving between AirPort base stations while using Tiger may not work properly, but Apple knows about the problem. (1 message)


Tiger's keys and cursors -- In Tiger, you can remap the Caps Lock key to be anything you want, and readers share other helpful suggestions about keys, buttons, and cursors. (2 messages)


Power user features vs. whizz bang features -- Is Apple spending too much time on eye-candy features like Dashboard in favor of things that will make a difference to power users? And is that a bad thing? (7 messages)


Reading NeXTstep disk -- What do you do if you have data on an old NeXTstep disk that you need? (4 messages)


Mounting a Mac OS 9 network volume in Tiger -- Reports of problems using AppleShare over AppleTalk networks in Tiger leads to talk of how the two terms are often confused. (13 messages)


Science applications on the Mac -- So what are Mac-based scientists using for experiment programming, publication-quality charts and graphs, and more? (7 messages)


New File System in Tiger -- Does Tiger lock files differently than previous versions of Mac OS X to prevent multiple applications from changing the same file? Or not? (6 messages)


Old PowerBook SCSI hard drives -- Can you pull data from an old SCSI laptop hard disk these days? Finding an adapter proves challenging. (2 messages)


Spotlight and backups -- How will Tiger's new search utility affect the way we back up data? If everything is scattered about one's hard drive, can backup utilities handle an anticipated breakdown of hierarchical filing? (2 messages)



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