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Expand Finder Columns Quickly

Column view in the Finder is great for navigating through your disk's hierarchy, but the columns often aren't wide enough to show the full names of all the files. To expand a column to a width that will show all file names in their entirety, double-click the handle that you would normally drag to expand or shrink the column. To expand all the visible columns to that width, Option-double-click the handle.



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Andy Ihnatko Analyzes the Gizmodo Stolen iPhone Story

Apple's famous secrecy has resulted in a salacious story of a prototype iPhone being lost, found, purchased by a blog, connected with a specific engineer, and (presumably) returned to Apple. There's no real news involved - the confirmed features were commonly expected and it's unknown whether the next iPhone will use this prototype's industrial design. Either way, it's not actionable information until Apple actually releases the next iPhone, probably in June or July. If you're wondering what all the fuss is about, Andy Ihnatko's Chicago Sun-Times column has the best summary we've seen.Generic Globefollow link