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View Extra Bluetooth Details in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, Option-click the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar to view a few additional items in the Bluetooth menu. Specifically, it enables you to open three utility applications: Bluetooth Explorer, Bluetooth Diagnostic Utility, and PacketLogger. These are likely of interest primarily to experts, but if you're having troubles with Bluetooth, the Bluetooth Diagnostic Utility in particular may be useful. (These tools are available only if you've installed Apple's Developer Tools.)

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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Doxie Cloud-Focused Scanner Now Shipping

Attempting to go paperless in your life or business, but having trouble finding the right scanner? Consider checking out Apparent Corporation's portable USB-powered document scanner Doxie, which we first saw in pre-release at Macworld Expo. The $129 device, which is now shipping, scans documents at up to 600 dpi and can send them to Google Docs, Flickr, Evernote, Scribd, and many other Web and local applications. Doxie is currently available in the United States, Canada, the E.U., Australia, and Japan, and it requires that you be running Mac OS X 10.5 or later.favicon follow link