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Time for a Fetch Refresh?

In the Fetch FTP client, if you see a time stamp like "As of 6/19/10 2:29 PM" above the file list, that means that Fetch is re-using a file list it downloaded earlier. Click the swooshing-arrow refresh button (located beside the time stamp) to refresh the list.

Visit Fetch Softworks



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 27-Jul-09

Safari 4.0.2 not updated to Acrobat 9.1.2? Displaying a PDF in Safari caused problems, leading to suggestions of letting Safari handle PDF files instead of the Acrobat plug-in. (6 messages)

Settings Manager for iPhone -- It would be nice to have a location manager for the iPhone, but only jailbroken models have software available that comes close. (2 messages)

Double Plus Ungoods: Amazon Unpublishes Orwell -- Readers discuss Amazon's stealthy removal of two Orwell novels from Kindle devices and if it will hurt Amazon's reputation. (14 messages)

Communicating with unsecured networks -- What began as a discussion of how to notify people with unsecured Wi-Fi networks turns into an examination of the strengths of various router security measures. (23 messages)

Taking notes on presentations -- Is there a utility that lets you take notes with time stamps on presentations? Pear Note is the leading contender. (3 messages)

Mac Pro and Two Different Size Monitors -- Is it possible to mirror two displays that are different sizes? Yes, but not quite in the way that the poster would like. (5 messages)

Screen to video capture software? A reader looks for a good screencasting program. (4 messages)


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