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 FN_ADBNDO()      Add Bindery Object To Set
 FN_BACCLEV()     Get Bindery Access Level
 FN_BNDOINS()     Is Bindery Object In Set
 FN_BNDONAM()     Get Bindery Object Name
 FN_CBNDOPW()     Change Bindery Object Password
 FN_CBNDOSE()     Change Bindery Object Security
 FN_CLOSBND()     Close Bindery
 FN_CPROSEC()     Change Property Security
 FN_CREBNDO()     Create Bindery Object
 FN_CREPROP()     Create Property
 FN_DBNDOSE()     Delete Bindery Object From Set
 FN_DELBNDO()     Delete Bindery Object
 FN_DELPROP()     Delete Property
 FN_FSLIST()      Get a sorted list of file server names
 FN_GBNDOID()     Get Bindery Object Id
 FN_GRPLIST()     Get a sorted list of user groups
 FN_INGROUP()     Determine if user is in a user group
 FN_ISSUPEQ()     Determine if connection/user is SUPERVISOR-equivalent
 FN_MAILDIR()     Return the user's directory in SYS:MAIL
 FN_OPENBND()     Open Bindery
 FN_PRQLIST()     Get a sorted list of print queue names
 FN_RDPROVA()     Read property value
 FN_RENBNDO()     Rename Bindery Object
 FN_SCABNDO()     Scan Bindery Object
 FN_SCAPROP()     Scan Property
 FN_ULIST()       Get a sorted list of user names
 FN_VBNDOPW()     Verify Bindery Object Password
 FN_WRPROVA()     Write Property Value

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson