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 Write Property Value
      FN_WrProVa(cOwnerName, nOwnerType, cProperty, cNewValue) => cOldValue

     <cOwnerName> is the name of the Bindery Object that owns the
           Property you are trying to change. Max Len = 47

     <nOwnerType> is <cOwnerName>'s Object Type.  Manifest constants
           describing the defined types are included in the NETTO.CH
           header file.

     <cProperty> is the string containing the name of the property
           whose value you want to change.  The property must be of
           type item. Max Len = 15

     <cNewValue> is a string containing the new value that you want stored
           for that property. Max Len = 32,640.  Suggested Max = 128.


     <cOldValue> returns the previous value of the Property if it
              was an Item Property.  Note that fn_Error() must be
              checked to determine if it was successful.  If not,
              consider checking to see if the fn_rdProVal() still
              matches the cOldValue returned here.  If a multi-segment
              update failed in the middle, who knows what value the
              property might now have.

              The function returns NIL, and sets an error code if
              the property you attempted to update is a SET.


     This function changes the value of a property of type ITEM.

     Changes to a SET item should use fn_adBndO() or fn_dBndOSe()

     The maximum size of the property value is 255 segments of 128
     bytes each (32,640).  You should try to keep the values less
     than 128 bytes for performance.


     cOld := FN_WrProVa("LARRY", OT_USER, "IDENTIFICATION" , "Larry H.")
     IF fn_Error() == ESUCCESS
          Qout("User LARRY's Full Name changed from ")
          QQout(" to Larry H.")


 Author: Kevin Maher/Steve Tyrakowski

See Also: fn_rdProVa() fn_adBndO() fn_dBndOSe()
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