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 Scan Property
      FN_ScaProp(cObjectName, nObjectType, cProperty) => aPropInfo

     <cObjectName> is the name of the Bindery Object that you are trying
           to find properties for.  Wildcard characters are not allowed.
           Max Length = 47

     <nObjectType> is the Bindery Object Type.  Manifest constants
           describing the defined types are included in the NETTO.CH
           header file.  Wildcard characters are not allowed.

     <cProperty> is the string containing the name of the property
           to search for.  A maximum of 15 characters and wildcard
           characters may be used.



     Is an array which contains one or more elements, depending
     if wild cards are used, which have seven values each.

     aPropInfo[x,1] is name of the objects property.

     aPropInfo[x,2] is true if the property is a set and false if
                        the property is an item.

     aPropInfo[x,3] is true if the property is dynamic and false
                        if property is static.

     aPropInfo[x,4] is the Property write security as an integer.
                      The integer indicates who can change the

     aPropInfo[x,5] is the Property read security as an integer.
                        The integer indicates who can read and scan
                      for the property.

           | Read and Write Security Levels  |
           | 0| Anyone                       |
           | 1| Logged                       |
           | 2| Object                       |
           | 3| Supervisor                   |
           | 4| Netware Operating System     |

     aPropInfo[x,6] is true if the property has value.

     aPropInfo[x,7] return value from FN_rdproval if the property
                        has value.


     This function lets you scan the bindery for an object's properties.
     A wild card can be used for the property parameter.  The return value
     will be a multidimentional array in which each element will contain an
     array of values cooresponding to each property found.  If no
     properties are found or an error occurs, nil will be returned.

     This function requires FT_IsBit() and FN_rdproval


     aProperties := fn_scaprop("EVERYONE", OT_USER_GROUP, "*")
     QOut(aProperties[1]) //result  GROUP_MEMBERS


 Author: Kevin Maher/Steve Tyrakowski

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