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 Read property value
      FN_rdProVal(cObjectName, nObjectType, cPropertyName, lKeepNulls) =>
       aSetInformation | cPropertyValue

     <cObjectName> is the name of the Object that you are trying
                     to read the property info for. Max Length = 47

     <nObjectType> is the Bindery Object Type.  Manifest constants
                     describing the defined types are included in the
                     NETTO.CH header file.

     <cPropertyName> is the name of the Property that you are looking up.
                       Max Length = 15

     <lKeepNulls> is an optional parameter that allows you to receive
                    the entire 128 byte field returned for an ITEM property.  By
                    default, the string returned for an ITEM property is
                    truncated at the first NULL character to simplify use.

                    Note that up to 255 segments of 128 bytes may be used to
                    store the value, so the return string could be as long
                    as 32,640 bytes.  The practical Max length s/b 128.



     If the Property being read is a SET property (i.e. a list of multiple
     entries), then the return value is a multidimensional array containing
     three values for each item in the SET.

          aReturn[x,1] is the ObjectId which is used as a parameter
                       for other Bindery Functions

          aReturn[x,2] is the Object Name from the Bindery that corresponds
                       to the ObjectId (i.e. the return value from the
                       GetBinderyObjectName call)

          aReturn[x,3] is the Object Type for this element in the SET.
                       see the OT_????? definitions in the NFNET.CH
                       for more info about what types have been defined.


     IF the property being read is not a SET property, then the return
     value is a character string that contains the info supplied by the
     bindery.  Only info up to, but not including the first null found
     is returned. i.e. the string is "cleaned up" before the function
     sends it to you.  The lKeepNulls optional parameter allows you
     to override the null-stripping and receive the full 128 byte value.

     An Item property can have a value of any data type.  It is defined
     by the application using the bindery, not in the bindery itself.
     As such, an Item property can only be returned as a character string,
     this function cannot assume any data type so the value in the bindery
     is returned without modicication.  It is up to the programmer to know
     the format of the data that they are trying to inspect.

     Completion status is set internally and may be inspected by the
     FN_Error() function.  A status code of 0 signifies Success.

     If an error occured the function will return a nil.


     This function allows you to find the property value for an object
     that is contained in the Bindery.  A set Property is returned as
     an array to simplify using it in your code.


     #include netto.ch

     // this will return the value of a item property
     cPropertyValue :=  FN_rdProVal("GUEST",OT_USER,"IDENTIFICATION")

     // this will return the values of a set property as an array


 Author: Kevin Maher/Steve Tyrakowski

See Also: fn_wrProVal() fn_adBndO() fn_dBndOSe()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson