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 Create Property
      FN_creProp(cObjectName, nObjectType, cProperty, lDynamic,
                 lSet, nWrite, nRead)  => lCreated

     <cObjectName> is the name of the Bindery Object that you are
                   trying to create a property for.

     <nObjectType> is the Bindery Object Type.  Manifest constants
                     describing the defined types are included in the
                     NETTO.CH header file.

     <cProperty> is the name of the property you want to create.
                   The name can be up to 16 characters.

     <lDynamic> if the new property will be dynamic or static. Set it
                  to true for dynamic and false for static.  Dynamic
        properties get deleted when the file server is initialized.

     <lSet> if the new property will be a set or a item. Set it to
            true for a set and false for an item.

     <nWrite> is the Property write security as an integer.
              The integer indicates who can change the property.

     <nRead> is the Property read security as an integer.
               The integer indicates who can read and scan
          for the property

         | Read and Write Security Levels  |
         | 0| Anyone                       |
         | 1| Logged                       |
         | 2| Object                       |
         | 3| Supervisor                   |
         | 4| Netware Operating System     |


     <lCreated> logical if property was created.


     This function creates a property for a bindery object.


     lCreated :=  FN_creProp("KEVIN", OT_USER, "GROUPS_I'M_IN",;
                             .T., .F., 1, 1 )


 Author: Kevin Maher/Steve Tyrakowski

See Also: fn_delProp() fn_creBndO()
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