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 Change Bindery Object Password
      FN_cBndOPw(cObject, nType, cOldPassWord, cNewPassWord) => lChanged

     <cObject> is the name of the Bindery Object to which you want to
                 change the password.  Max Length = 47

     <nType> is the Bindery Object Type.  Manifest constants
               describing the defined types are included in the NETTO.CH
               header file.

     <cOldPassWord> string containing the current password to be
                      checked for validity. Can be a maximun of 126
                      characters, must be in upper case, Null = no password.

     <cNewPassWord> string containing the new password for the bindery
                      object.  Can be a maximun of 126 characters, must
                      be in upper case, Null = no password.


     <lChanged> is a logical whether succesfull.  If an error
            occurs this function will return .F..


     This function changes the password of a bindery object.

     NOTE!  This function does _not_ support encrypted passwords.
     Due to licensing restrictions from Novell, we could not include
     encrypted support in this public domain release.  However, it
     is available.  See elsewhere in the Norton Guide for details
     on password encryption support.


     lChanged :=  FN_cBndOPw("KEVIN",OT_USER,"123EWR","JT56CD")


 Author: Kevin Maher/Steve Tyrakowski

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