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 Scan Bindery Object
      FN_scaBndO(cObjectName, nObjectType) => aObjectInfo

     <cObjectName> is the name of the Object that you are trying
           to find.  Wild Cards are allowed. Max Length = 47

     <nObjectType> is the Bindery Object Type.  Manifest constants
           describing the defined types are included in the NETTO.CH
           header file.  Wild Card value OT_WILD is allowed.



     Is an array which contains one or more elements, depending
     if wild cards are used, which have seven values each.

         aObjectInfo[x,1] is the Object Name from the Bindery that
                          corresponds to the ObjectId (i.e. the return
                          value from the GetBinderyObjectName call)

         aObjectInfo[x,2] is the ObjectId which is used as a parameter
                          for other Bindery Functions

         aObjectInfo[x,3] is the Object Type for this element in the SET.
                          see the OT_????? definitions in the NFNET.CH
                          for more info about what types have been defined.

         aObjectInfo[x,4] is true if the property is dynamic and false
                          if property is static.

         aObjectInfo[x,5] is the object write security as an integer.
                        The integer indicates who can change the object
                        and add properties to the bindery object.

         aObjectInfo[x,6] is the object read security as an integer.
                          The integer indicates who can scan for
                          and find the object.

          | Read and Write Security Levels  |
          | 0| Anyone                       |
          | 1| Logged                       |
          | 2| Object                       |
          | 3| Supervisor                   |
          | 4| Netware Operating System     |

         aObjectInfo[x,7] is true if Object has properties to scan.


     This function lets you scan for bindery objects by name and type.
     Wild card can be used for both name and type.  The Objects get
     returned as an array in which each element cooresponds to a
     different object. If an error occurs or no objects were found
     matching search string, nil is returned


     // this will return an array with info to all users of a network
     aObjects := FN_scaBndO("*", OT_USER)


 Author: Kevin Maher/Steve Tyrakowski

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