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 Change Bindery Object Security
      FN_cBndOse(nWrite, nRead, cObject, nType) => lChanged

     <nWrite> is the Property write security as an integer.
      The integer indicates who can add properties
      to the bindery object.

     <nRead> is the Property read security as an integer.
          The integer indicates who can read and scan
          properties for a bindery object.

         | Read and Write Security Levels  |
         | 0| Anyone                       |
         | 1| Logged                       |
         | 2| Object                       |
         | 3| Supervisor                   |
         | 4| Netware Operating System     |

     <cObjectName> is the name of the Bindery Object that you are
           trying to change the security for.  Max Length = 47

     <nObjectType> is the Bindery Object Type.  Manifest constants
           describing the defined types are included in the
           NETTO.CH header file.  Wildcard characters are
           not allowed.


     <lChanged> logical if security was changed or not.
      If an error occurs, .F. will be the return value.


     This function changes the security of a bindery object.
     It requires SUPERVISOR rights.


     // this will make KEVIN's security to SUPERVISOR
     lChanged := FN_cBndOse(3,3, "KEVIN", OT_USER)


 Author: Kevin Maher/Steve Tyrakowski

See Also: fn_cProSec()
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