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In the Public Eye - Famous People Who Probably Wish They Weren't

Food, Glorious Food - Sites That Made Rush Limbaugh Who He Is Today

Get Ready to Sing, Sing, Sing! - It Came from the Karaoke Machine

Covered-Up Conspiracies - We Swear We Didn't Make This Up, Someone Else Did

The "Dear God, Noooo!" Wildlife Refuge - Don't Feed the Animals Unless You Plan On Taking Them to A Movie Later

Keep the Collections Kooky and Crazy - Every Christmas Present Your Grandmother Ever Gave You

Individual Individuality - Hey! Look at Me! I'm on Fire!

Revolutionary Thinkers - Gee Bubba, A "Moonshine Cookbook" Seemed Like a Good Idea

Cinematic Magic - Stuff Even Pauly Shore Wouldn't Touch

Say Your Bit - Tell Danny and the world what you think!

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Tell Some Friends!

Last Updated: 06/01/00
Writer: Danny Gallagher
Sidekick: The Mouth
WebMistress: Cathie Walker
Serf: dave
© copyright 1995 - 2000 Centre for the Easily Amused