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WISR'93: 6th Annual Workshop on Software Reuse Summary and Working Group Reports

Jeff Poulin and Will Tracz
IBM Federal Systems Company,
Owego, NY
{tracz or poulinj}

The Sixth Annual Workshop on Institutionalizing Software Reuse (WISR '93), hosted by IBM Federal Systems Company (FSC), took place Nov. 2-4, 1993 in Owego, NY. Almost 80 experts representing more than 60 industry, academic and government organizations worldwide gathered to share problems and solutions in adopting software reuse. The workshop began with an introductory session where participants presented current and critical issues based on position papers they submitted to the workshop. Attendees then divided into eight working groups that covered a wide range of topics, including:

The WISR'93 workshop revealed how far reuse technology has advanced in recent years. Current research focuses not only on ``reuse-in the small,'' or the sharing of small utilities and functions, but on ``reuse-in-large.'' Approaches to large scale reuse include the building of programs from entire subsystems of existing software to the building of generic frameworks that represent the structure of entire classes of application programs.

This report was constructed by editing the individual working group reports. Complete versions of working group reports are available from the ftp site listed at the end of this summary.

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Larry Latour
Mon Aug 21 17:23:03 EDT 1995