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Kit Development Process

The leaders described HP's proposed development process incorporating ``domain engineering'' and ``kit engineering'', building on some of the discussion of the Domain Engineering Workshop at WISR'92. In the HP process, domain engineering includes the overlapping phases of domain analysis, domain design and domain implementation, focusing primarily on application functionality. We have introduced a set of parallel and overlapping phases of kit engineering, called kit analysis, kit design, and kit implementation, focusing primarily on the style and technology of application development to be used by kit users, following a customized application engineering process. The discussion brought forth issues relating to how domain analysis, modeling and engineering need to be constructed so as to lead effectively to hybrid reuse, how much the various phases of domain engineering and kit engineering overlap and/or are distinct, how some domain engineering techniques are now including part of what HP calls kit engineering and whether it makes sense to split up these activities at all.

Several draft papers on HP Labs notions of kit process and kit concepts were distributed. One of these, ``Hybrid domain-specific kits for a flexible software factory'' by Martin Griss and Kevin Wentzel, will appear in the proceedings of SAC'94, Phoenix, Arizona, Mar'94. For more details or a copy of this paper, contact either of the WG leaders.

Larry Latour
Mon Aug 21 17:23:03 EDT 1995