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Who Pays For TT?

The group discussions would repeatedly come back to the point of ``Who pays for it?'' Funding is a central issue in TT. First, because TT does not come for free. Second, because funding patterns drive how the organizations participating in the process operate and how the process is managed.

There are a number of funding schemes that are appropriate in different organizational settings:

A conclusion from the analysis of funding schemes suggests that successful TT projects tend to be those where the customer (funding source) and the users of the technology being transferred are close and share objectives.

The old saw, ``when there is a will there is a way,'' also applies to Reuse TT. Many successful TT projects take place without official funding, with participants working out of their own initiative, on their time, in skunk-works mode. Such projects are usually carried out through the collaboration of networks of individuals sharing common professional interests. The Internet has a very positive effect in supporting the social processes key to the development and operation of such groups.

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Larry Latour
Mon Aug 21 17:23:03 EDT 1995