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The goal of working group was to focus on the integration of reuse into the education of Software Engineers.

Perspective: Reuse should and will become an integral part of Software engineering as opposed to a separate add-on concept. Therefore, reuse should be incorporated into all courses for software engineering (in the long run) rather than separate courses on reuse. We defined courses in the context of this long term vision of reuse.

Assumption: Software engineering will be a separate discipline from computer science and will be related to it in the same way that traditional engineering is related to natural science.

Assumption: Software engineers will, in addition to the courses described below, take course(s) in theoretical computer science and mathematics. For example, mathematics courses would cover set theory, theory of relations, functions, recursion, graph theory, predicate calculus, and automata theory.

Larry Latour
Mon Aug 21 17:23:03 EDT 1995