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Formal Methods and Certification of Reusable Components

Maureen Stillman,Odyssey Research Associates

Formal methods and certification of reusable components were discussed using a model of system and component ``reuse manufacturing.'' Reuse manufacturing was defined in terms of the following three groups:

  1. Producers -- create reusable systems and components Producers are interested in creating high quality systems and components for reuse.

  2. Brokers -- the marketers and sellers of reusable components Brokers want to let the consumers know what they have to sell and an accurate indication of the quality of the system or component.

  3. Consumers -- obtain and use the reusable components Consumers are interested in what the component will do for them and also want an accurate indication of the quality of the component.

The discussions in the working group were in the context of the interests of these three groups. We focused our discussions on areas of interest to the group as outlined below.

Larry Latour
Mon Aug 21 17:23:03 EDT 1995