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Design for Reuse and Object Oriented Reuse Methods

Bill Frakes, Virginia Tech
Doug Lea, Syracuse CASE Center and SUNY Oswego

The goal of this working group was to produce a set of language independent principles for ``design-for-reuse'', while also capturing:

This work built on two previous design working groups at WISR '91 and WISR '92.

In the course of discussion, the group made progress toward defining an architectural reference model and accompanying terms and concepts providing a conceptual framework for the design of reusable components. The ``3C'' (Concept, Content, Context) model of component reuse was helpful in this work. The following major points of reuse design are salient:

About fifty design rules, principles, and ideas (most originating in previous WISR meetings) were grouped into further categories based on this model. The next level of grouping includes:

  1. Component Structure

  2. Interfaces

  3. Composition

  4. Parameterization
A more complete description of all principles, along with operationalizations, rationales, examples, and discussion remains unfinished, in large part because terminology, concepts and classifications evolved in a bottom-up fashion during working group sessions.

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Larry Latour
Mon Aug 21 17:23:03 EDT 1995