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Tool Types

The group concentrated on tools for creating and supporting the development and use of reusable software components/assets. Three categories of tools were defined: tools for the creation of reusable components/assets, tools for the management of reusable components/assets and, tools for the utilization of reusable components/assets. Functions/activities were listed for each category.

 Creation                     Management       Utilization
- domain modeling          - acquisition      - asset
  requirements                                  determination
- software architecture    - acceptance
  development and          - certification    - asset
  identification                                development
- component or generator   - access control   - asset tailoring
  development              - cataloging       - asset selection
- general software         - metrics for      - asset use
  engineering integration    tracking
  tools for evolution      - data modeling
- object oriented analysis - library metrics
- documentation            - configuration

After establishing the desired functions, a search was conducted for tools that are available. Information was gathered from STARS CFRP, ALOAF, NATO, Paramax, and SofTech.

Larry Latour
Mon Aug 21 17:23:03 EDT 1995