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Additional Information

You may obtain soft copies of the Proceedings of the past two WISRs (WISR'4 and WISR'5) and this year's workshop (WISR'6) via anonymous ftp to  (/pub/WISR/wisrN directory)

where N is the workshop number.

For additional information contact:

Larry Latour
University of Maine
Department of Computer Science
222 Neville Hall
Orono, Maine 04469

office: 207-581-3523 fax-1604

where N represents the workshop number.

A summary of last year's WISR'5 working group reports appears in the April 1993 issue of SEN.

Paper copies of the workshop proceedings are available at a cost of $30.

Larry Latour
Mon Aug 21 17:23:03 EDT 1995