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Sites which contain the word listing

221B Baker Street: Sherlock Holmes
The Aboriginal Poetry Bibliography
African Reparations Movement (ARM)
A Black Cultural Studies Website
A Celebration of Women Writers
Center for the Study of Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents
College Student's Budget
Complete Collection of Poems by Rudyard Kipling
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The Dickens Page
Dictionary of Literary Terms
e. e. cummings
Edwin Moise Bibliography of the Vietnam War
The Encyclopedia Mythica
First Nations Histories
French Collection at the University of Virginia, The
G. K. Chesterton
Gabríel José García Márquez-Macondo
Great Writers
GSC Atlantic's Earth Science Site Of The Week
Human Rights
Humanities Scholarship
An Index of Web Sites on Modernism
Infomine: Scholarly Internet Resource Collections
James Joyce Web Page
John Steinbeck
Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC)
The Libyrinth
The Literary Menagerie
Literature Resources for the High School and College Student
Lost Poets of the Great War
LSU Libraries Author Webliography
Many Voices: American Indian Students Journal
Medieval Drama Links
The Mississippi Writers Page
On-line Mathematics Dictionary
Romance Novels and Women's Fiction
The Rosenberg Communiqués
Russian Literature
Saigon.com: The Refugee Experience
Salman Rushdie
Schauwecker's Guide to Japan
Silent Movies
Simone de Beauvoir
Snagged Links: On Modern World Drama
The T. S. Eliot Page
Victorian Women Writers Project
Wacky Web Tales
World Population Figures
The Wyoming Companion: Cowboy Poetry and Poets