- McJobs and Workers -

Standing Up to Hair Rules

Posted by: Luke Kuhn ( Utopian Anarchist Party, USA ) on November 19, 1997 at 01:44:15:

I would never let some corporate pig tell me how to wear my hair. Not only would I refuse to work for him, I would also refuse to shop there ever again and would make as much trouble as I could. You have three options here. You can submit to this violation of your personal sovereignty, you can quit working for McD's(a good idea), or you can SUE for sex discrimination if the rules differ for women. With luck, you could win enough money to never have to work again.

Rules about appearance are just one of the many reasons I refuse to take any regular job inside the system. Irregular employment such as delivering newspapers is the only exception. Also, many papers do not care what the paperboy looks like or that he won't take a drug test or release his medical records,etc. My own choices have even included working as a (male) prostitute-which beats the hell out of working at McD's. If the johns had not liked my looks, I would have found something else, but there is always a way to survive outside the system as long as you do not have a family to support(although I doubt that anyone could raise kids on what McD's pays anyhow)

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