- McJobs and Workers -

Well, don't say I never answer you.

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( TIG, Bedford, TX, USA ) on November 22, 1997 at 11:36:45:

In Reply to: Bacon's limits to everything posted by The Everett Citizen on November 21, 1997 at 20:38:12:

E.C., one of the keywords is "reasonable". When I got pulled over in Ft. Worth for speeding back in 1991, the first thing the police officer requested was my driver's license, then my registration, and my proof of insurance. She wanted to make sure my '86 Ranger was totally road-legal, that I was legally licensed to drive, and that I was not a fugitive. Your driver's license is the key to all of the above answers. Furthermore, when I was called for jury duty in 1994, I had to pass through a metal detector after putting all my metal objects into a tray. You have to do that before you board a plane also.

The above activities have been going on for many years, and they are effective in preventing tragic and horrific incidents. More examples: Before the apartment management leased me my unit, they did a credit check, and rental history check. They also checked to see if I had ever been convicted of a violent crime (I never have.).

Again, McDonald's and other firms have a right to make sure they are not hiring criminals or drug addicts. That qualifies as "reasonable". As for searching my truck, and my place of residence without cause, that's where I draw the line. I agree that is not reasonable, or legal. I also believe that lie detector tests are bullshit, and inaccurate.

I hope this covers everything. Feel free to answer as you see fit.

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