- McJobs and Workers -

Be grateful you DON'T live over there!!!

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( TIG, Bedford, TX, USA ) on December 06, 1997 at 18:36:41:

In Reply to: If I lived in Iraq, Singapore, Nazi Germany posted by Luke Kuhn on December 03, 1997 at 18:00:20:

Be glad you live HERE, in the States! Life here may not be perfect, but it's better than any place else. There is no need for any revolution, or any other confrontation.

Again, no workplace is completely democratic, nor will it ever be. But hey, it's usually ONLY 8 HOURS! The remaining 16 are yours to use as you please...but I wouldn't break the law.

If a McDonald's employee has a problem at one location, he or she should check out another, or find another chain...or look for a position in an unrelated firm. Many of these places have employee questionnaires and email addresses set up specifically for employees to air their concerns and problems. If I have a problem at work, I don't hesitate to let HR or my supervisor know about it. But I'm not one who bitches and whines about everything like many of these spoiled idiots who post here. Mike Sprout, if you read this, I'm here at home on Saturday morning...not at work..as I post this.

As for the rest of your problems with this modern society, if there is a law or local ordinance you don't like, then write the appropriate democratically elected official, be it your Congressman, Senator, or local City Council Member. By the way, there will be an election in most states at the end of 1998...just FYI.

Cheers and Peace!

Mike. "If you don't vote, don't bitch!" -- Steve Earle, 1988.

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