- McJobs and Workers -

You were a male prostitute? Yikes Almighty!!!!!

Posted by: Quincunx on November 19, 1997 at 12:25:52:

In Reply to: Standing Up to Hair Rules posted by Luke Kuhn on November 19, 1997 at 01:44:15:

Luke: My own choices have even included working as a (male) prostitute-which beats the hell out of working at McD's. If the johns had not liked my looks, I would have found something else, but there is always a way to survive outside the system as long as you do not have a family to support(although I doubt that anyone could raise kids on what McD's pays anyhow)

Qx: Wow! I didn't expect to read something like that. I've lived in places when I had no place to sleep and no food to eat as a teenage runaway but I couldn't stand the trolls who asked for such "favours". Maybe having a somewhat fundamentalist Christian background kept me away from all that.I just got a job as a dishwasher instead.To each his own.

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