- McJobs and Workers -


Posted by: Joey Stalin ( US(A)SR ) on November 22, 1997 at 11:41:26:

In Reply to: There are limits to everything posted by Mike Bacon on November 20, 1997 at 23:29:53:

Drug tests by employers are a violation of natural human rights. They voilate the fourth amendment guranteeing protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. This is an unreasonable search. Also, it is none of the employers business what it's employees do in their spare time. As long as their use doesn't affect the work being done there is no reason for firerings resulting from positives on drug tests.

You may not be worried now. But what happens later. What happens when they violate other rights. Right to bear arms, right to a religion, and (gasp) freedom of speech. Are you scared yet? You damn well better be.

Love to all,

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