Drink from the Firehose...

Drink from the Firehose...

Friday September 17

Etc: If you want your own fat wristwatch built with...

If you want your own fat wristwatch built with a 6th-gen iPod nano, check out this DIY tutorial by Brian Chen.

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PlayOn now available for iPad with Wi-Fi and 3G

Good news for all PlayOn users who own an iPad. Engadget is reporting that as of this week, joining the iPhone and iPod touch, PlayOn has released a much anticipated software update allowing you to stream content to your iPad, too.

With the power of Safari and HTML5, you can now watch streaming content from such providers as Hulu, Netflix, Comedy Central, ABC, CBS, MTV and ESPN3 (and many more) over Wi-Fi and 3G by visiting PlayOn's web based app.

To harness the streaming power of PlayOn you need a running version of Windows (to get it setup) as well as a subscription to PlayOn's Premium service. If you haven't used PlayOn before, or you're not...

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Fake Scriptable Web Browser Is the Real Deal

A Web browser that can be automated through scripts that you create without writing any code - how cool is that? It's plenty cool (and plenty easy), and you may have lots of uses for it; you just don't realize it because the idea is so revolutionary.


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Apple Stock Watch: Retail PC Notebook Sales Fall,...

PC Notebook sales in the retail space have dipped for the first time, and Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty believes the iPad is responsible for most of that dip. The analyst looked at data from NPD and found that growth began decelerating in March of 2010, shortly after the iPad was announced. In August, slowing growth actually turned to a 4% decline in retail notebook PC sales.


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3M unveils pocket camcorder with built-in projector

3M has just unveiled a new pocket camcorder that has a built-in pico projector, the Shoot 'n' Share CP40. It can throw up images and videos up to 65 inches in size at VGA resolution, though it has the ability to record 720p videos or five-megapixel photos. While there is just 14MB of built-in memory, a microSDHC memory card slot lets users add up to 32GB of storage, good for about 20 hours of video....

projector - Handhelds - IPhone -...

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Facebook Places goes live in the UK

Facebook Places have gone live in the UK and it enables users to share their locations with their friends.

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Outpost 2 becomes first Basecamp client for iPad

A major new version of this Basecamp client brings a number of new file handling features and address book integration. It also adds a completely new iPad interface, making it the first Basecamp client for iPad.


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Jobs Says Apple TV App Store Could Launch When the...

Earlier today, we suggested that Apple was likely planning an App Store for the new Apple TV which is based on iOS. It seems Steve Jobs was actually very open about this possibility in a Bloomberg Businessweek interview earlier this month (v...

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iPad wine list boosts sales in high-end restaurants

When the iPad was originally announced (and, heck, when it was rumored), lots of us were dreaming up different ideas for how the iPad might revolutionize the way written content is consumed. There were books, of course, including comics, magazines and coursebooks. This is the first time, though, where I've seen a different kind of print medium successfully making the jump to digital: restaurant wine lists.

One upscale restaurant in Atlanta, for example, has decided to take its very extensive wine list and bring it over to the iPad, as the New York Times reported. The restaurant uses iPad-specific software to display its wine list, along with information on each wine, including ratings, pricing and pairing suggestions. Like traditional menus, the iPads are handed out to diners. The result of the switch is pretty impressive: wine sales shot up 11% from the first...

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Samsung Galaxy Tab U.S. Carrier Release Dates Leaked?

Samsung's Galaxy Tab is undoubtedly the iPad-killer hopeful. There have been dozens of tablets announced since Apple's did so with their iPad early in the year, but few have received as much attention as Samsung's Galaxy Tab. It's possible that the acclaim of the Galaxy S has rolled over the Tab, and now Samsung's relishing the opportunity...

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Etc: Warner Bros CEO Barry Meyer said his company...

Warner Bros CEO Barry Meyer said his company won't be offering TV rentals for 99¢ because the price is too low and might hurt sales of full seasons.

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AP, previous Ars coverage

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iPod nano 6G’s secret “iTerm” diagnostic mode...

The sixth-generation iPod nano contains a hidden “iTerm” Diagnostic Mode and separate Disk Mode similar to previous-generation iPod nano models, iLounge has discovered. Due to changes in its buttons relative to the prior Click Wheel iPod nanos, the new iPod nano’s hidden modes are activated with a slightly different button…

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AirPlay Opens Door to Almost Any Web Video on Apple...

The news that iOS 4.2 allows any standard iOS video playback controller to potentially stream content to their Apple TV is continuing to generate some excitement. Seth Weintraub suggests that this is a bit of a Trojan horse strategy that will allow ...

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Dear Aunt TUAW: RSS in the clouds

Dear Auntie TUAW,

I'll admit it... I'm a news junkie. Podcasts, RSS feeds, the works!

RSS feeds are what I am wondering about today. You see, I like to skim my RSS headlines, read the feed items that catch my eye, and not have any items automatically delete or disappear. My current setup is using Mail's RSS functionality and then manually deleting the articles I don't want. I'm fine with that, heck, ... I prefer it that way. But ever since I got my shiny, new iPad, I've been wondering if there is a better way. See, I like to read RSS feeds on my morning and evening commutes. (Don't worry, Auntie, ... I take the train.) Hence, my problem. I read and delete or read and save an article on my iPad, but then I have to manually reconcile my feeds with those on my home computer.

Ideally, what I'd like to do is have an RSS client "in the cloud" and then be able to access it from my iPad, my Mac, and maybe even my work computer and my BlackBerry. Basically have it...

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EA to Support Android Gaming [Android]


According to EA's Chief Financial Officer Eric Brown, EA has decided to push the Android platform in addition to the iPhone. Citing his own market projections, Brown said that they expect the "a lot to happen" in Android's future. More »

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John Martellaro's Blog: Particle Debris (wk....

In this week’s medley of technical news debris, John looks at the subtleties of replacing Mark Hurd at H-P, dismissing Apple TV objections, gigabit Internet to the home, how the iPad is changing medical school at Stanford, Apple sales to college students, the too-precious iPod nano, Steve Jobs caught throwing stars, the unforeseen future of the PC and a neat blog by Scott Adams — with worrisome implications.


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iSwifter Brings Flash Games To the iPad — Sort Of

itwbennett writes "Peter Smith is blogging about the free iSwifter app, which aims to solve the 'no Flash games on iPads' problem. The app, which is currently available for the iPad and planned for the iPhone and other devices, 'streams Flash games to your iPad. You run the app, which contacts iSwifter servers, which are actually running the Flash. Ideally, the effect is identical to running the app directly from a web page.' Smith tested the app and calls it an 'interesting idea,' but an imperfect solution — at least right now."


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Microsoft's Kudo Tsunoda: Kinect will "...

Microsoft Game Studios manager Kudo Tsunoda set up an unofficial battle between Apple and Microsoft with an argument today that Kinect will beat the iPad for sales. Following good pre-orders, the former Fight Night developer said to Gamasutra that the Xbox 360 motion controller's holiday sales would "blow away" those of the iPad. He cited NPD data that the Xbox was already outselling the PS3 and Wii as evidence that Kinect is likely to surge when it becomes available on November 4....

Microsoft - Kinect -...

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Apple now selling refurbished iPads starting at $449

Apple, for the first time since the iPad went on sale, is now offering the hardware refurbished with a $50 discount from its online store, as availability of the product continues to improve.

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Deal Brothers: Refurbished 15” MacBook Pro 3.06GHz...

The Deal Brothers noted that Apple is offering a refurbished 15” MacBook Pro 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo for $2039, which includes free delivery and one year of AppleCare.


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FaceTime-equipped iPad expected no later than first...

Suppliers are already gearing up in preparation for the next-generation iPad design, according to a number of display component vendors currently undergoing validation with Apple. DigiTimes says those suppliers believe the updated iPad will ship by the second quarter of 2011, though some rumors have pointed to an earlier launch during the holidays to capitalize on FaceTime compatibility.

DigiTimes names TPK Touch Solutions, Wintek, Cando, and...

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PhotoFast's PowerDrive SSD Tops 1400MB/sec read...

Forget about SATA 6Gpbs, the PowerDrive-LSI slides into a x8 PCI Express 2.0 slot and serves up blistering fast transfer speeds you won't get from your SATA controllers. We're talking up to 1,400MB/s reads and up to 1,500MB/s writes...

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Apple now offering refurbished iPad Wi-Fi units

Apple is now offering a number of refurbished iPad units via its online store. Currently, refurbished units are limited to Wi-Fi-only models, and offer a $50 discount over the retail price of the respective new-in-box units. This marks the first time that Apple has offered refurbished models of its…

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Verizon teases 4G, to sell devices at Best Buy

Verizon today put up a teaser page for its upcoming 4G service. The site doesn't offer clues as to a launch window but does mention the benefits of the network, such as its promised 5-12Mbps of bandwidth and the lower lag inherent to LTE. Prospective subscribers can sign up to be notified when the network reaches 30 cities in the fall....

BestBuy - Domain Names - Disputed Domain Names -...

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News: Pref File Confirms New Apple TV Runs iOS

A preference file has, at last, confirmed that Apple’s new Apple TV model is running iOS. Previous models of the Apple TV ran a version of Mac OS X, and there has been speculation about what the new model, which was introduced during a media event on September 1st, was running. According to a report from TUAW, the answer is iOS.


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Apple opens up refurbished iPad sales

Apple has begun selling the first refurbished iPads through its US online store. The tablet has been on the market for over five months, but until today there has been no option of an official second-hand discount. Refurbished iPads are covered by a one-year warranty, and also include new batteries and outer shells....

Apple - Macintosh - IPhone - Companies -...

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Adding artwork to multiple songs in iTunes 10

iTunes 10 has a cool new feature that allows you to create a Smart Playlist based on whether or not your music has artwork. To use it, simply set "Has Artwork" to "is false" when creating the playlist. You can (optionally) add "Media Kind: is Music" if you want to avoid seeing podcasts, movies, and other items that don't have artwork.

I recently decided to clean up my iTunes library. This involved taking all of the music out of the iTunes library and only adding back music that I knew I really liked. I was also making sure the metadata was accurate, including the artwork. I had been adding the artwork via TidySongs, but it had been acting a bit unreliably and claiming that iTunes was not responding (the developers tell me there is a new version available for Windows and a new Mac version is due "soon"). So, I started adding...

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Warner Bros. execs find Apple's 99 cent TV show...

Executives with Warner Bros., producer of numerous primetime network TV shows, believe that Apple's 99 cent prices TV show rentals need to be more expensive.

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Kindle ad goes on the offensive against the iPad (...

Amazon's taken a leaf out of Apple's advertising book (Mac vs PC, anyone?) by going head to head with the iPad maker in the most recent Kindle television ad. Most noticeably, the spot delivers a low blow to the iPad's comparatively poor screen visibility in direct sunlight. As far as ads go it's rather ingenious, taking some of the best tricks out of the old advertising, uh, book.

In short, a guy sunbathes in a gray t-shirt (geeky), but can't quite read his "iPad" due to the sunlight. On the deck chair next to him lies a beautiful, bikini clad woman sunbathing while reading her Kindle with a pair of sunglasses on! The geeky guy asks the beautiful woman how she's reading in the sunlight, she confidently...

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ABC Rolls Out iPad App for Interacting With 'My...

Earlier this week, The Hollywood Reporter profiled a new iPad application called ABC's My Generation Sync that relies on technology from Nielsen to offer viewers an interactive experience while they watch episodes of the network's forthcoming...

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Sunday is Talk Like a Pirate Day

Arrr, mateys, mark Sunday, Sept. 19, on your calendar. Tis International Talk Like a Pirate Day (ITLAPD). Though not exactly government sanctioned, it was launched in 1996 by John Baur (Ol' Chumbucket) and Mark Summers (Cap'n Slappy) -- pictured -- who proclaimed Sept. 19 each year as the day when everyone in the world should talk like a pirate.

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Mac Pro RAID Card: Capacity for four-drive RAID 5...

When a Mac Pro RAID Card is used for a four-drive RAID 5 configuration, the available capacity may be lower than expected due to data placement and layout techniques. In this configuration, the available capacity is approximately 66% of the total capacity of all four hard drives.
Note: This rule does not apply to RAID 0, RAID 1, or the use of three hard drives in a RAID 5 set.

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Gibson releases 3 acoustic guitars to celebrate John...

On October 9, 2010, John Lennon would have been 70 years old. To celebrate the occasion, Gibson partnered with Yoko Ono to release three new acoustic guitars. Made by the luthiers at Gibson’s Montana acoustic guitar facility, the Lennon guitars represent three periods of the musicians life and career. The first guitar is a Vintage [...]

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The World’s First Rapid-Charge Electric Bus (videos)

The Proterra EcoRide BE35, dubbed the ‘Ecoliner,’ will be entering the fleet of Foothill Transit, which is said to be the first transit agency in the United States to use a rapid-charge electric bus. It will be traversing line 291 between the Los Angeles County cities of Pomona and La Verne.

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Feeds into Reads: Transforming RSS into Beauty

Do long lists of continually changing RSS items in a newsreader bore you? Has feed reading reached the end of its lifespan? New approaches on the iPad suggest a major change.


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Spotify still without any US deals

Spotify's problems getting US deals may still be ongoing if claims from music industry sources are accurate. None of the major labels have signed deals and might not have time to make one before the end of the year, the contacts told CNET. Publicly, Spotify has been insisting it was close to striking a deal for much of the year....

Spotify - Apple - Streaming media - Sonos -...

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iPhone Monkey Island Special Editions Just a Dollar...

They're not quite Guybrush Free-pwood (Hiyo!), but The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition and Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge are both on sale for just $0.99. What's more, the awesome iPad version is half off, at $4.99. [Joystiq]

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How to: Turn your old watch into a nanowatch

Sure, you could just buy a "carrying solution" for the new square iPod nano, but where's the fun in that? Wired shows you how to turn your old wristwatch into a nanowatch -- just take the old strap off, and use the nano's clip to attach it all together. Of course, it depends on your old watch strap, but even if yours doesn't work quite as well as the one that Wired uses, I'm sure a weekend with some Crazy Glue and a few spare parts would probably do it right.

Brian Chen is exactly right -- Apple should totally get behind this nanowatch thing. Add some apps and a camera to the nano's little square touchscreen, and that'd turn it into the real Dick Tracy product. I think it'll take a while (Apple likely doesn't want to fragment the iOS line too much too...

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Computing with Bifocals: Me + Mac = TMO

September is usually a milestone month in my family. My twin and I celebrate our birthday as does our younger brother. It was also the month that our parents, who were married for 69 years, were married. But this particular September is causing a bit of reflective time.


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Greg's bite: iPad sales, Slate OS war, Apple...

Well, who would have thought iPad would cut into laptops sales. ... read that: PC laptop sales. Mac laptops, unaffected. Sort of like viruses and worms, PCs are suffering while the Mac is unaffected.  

While there might be a slight dip in the steep growth curve for Mac laptops, they are still selling very well despite the recession. One only has to use an iPad a while to swear off a desktop computer or PC laptop for a lot of applications.

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Justin.tv for iPhone Updated

If you’ve never checked out Justin.tv, it basically lets anyone share a video feed online using their webcam, or other video input. Some people broadcast them playing video games, or have full-blown shows with regular schedules, like This Week in Tech.

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Samsung Galaxy S (Android) sells 2 million by next...

Samsung already said it has sold more than 1 million Galaxy S Android handsets but the company just said that it will hit the two million mark by the end of next week. That’s pretty darn impressive.

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Analysis: iTunes 10, at Last, Auto-repairs Broken...

Back in March, I called Apple to task for overlooking a serious problem in iTunes. Links to items in the library could become broken, for no apparent reason, and it was a tedious process to manually repair those links.  The readers agreed. Now, in iTunes 10, Apple has introduced a long-awaited auto-repair function.


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Android users like ribs, iPhone users like chicken

Stop the presses! The fanboy wars are about to get really ugly because a new, super-important survey from coupons.com said Android owners prefer pork ribs while Apple iPhone owners prefer chicken.

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Rumors hint at new Dresden, Shanghai Apple Stores

Details on two more international Apple Stores may have emerged. The most concrete information comes from real estate sources, who say that Apple's third Shanghai store will be based in the nearly-completely Henderson Metropolitan building on Nanjing East Road. The facility will have five levels of retail space below its office sections, and be relatively close to the heart of Shanghai's major shopping district, along Nanjing West Road....

Apple - Asia - Shanghai -...

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Apple 27-inch LED Cinema Display now on sale

Apple’s new 27-inch LED Cinema Display finally has a shipping date. Unveiled in July, the monitor sports some of the goodies you’d expect if you’re familiar with the 27-inch iMac: a 2560 by 1440 resolution, a 178 degree viewing angle, and a built-in iSight camera.


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Register now for MacTech 2010, $50 off for TUAW...

Registration has begun for the inaugural MacTech conference, taking place from November 3-5 in Los Angeles, CA. The conference is a three-day series of sessions covering IT, programming and development, and it will feature presentations by lots of Mac and tech luminaries, including Wil Shipley, Daniel Jalkut, Mike Lee, and a keynote by none other than Andy Ihnatko. And if that's not enough, there will also be an evening out at the Griffith Observatory, as well as a party featuring the opportunity to go bowling and raise some money for charity with MacTech Bowl.

If MacTech 2010 sounds like your idea of a good time, check this out. As a media sponsor of the conference, TUAW has a special discount for our readers; you can go to this registration URL and get your ticket...

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Report: DOJ nears deal with tech firms on staff...

The U.S. Department of Justice is nearing a settlement with technology vendors including Apple, Google and others over an investigation of their hiring practices.


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An iPhone Fart App Release History [Humor]

The ever-clever McSweeney's takes a look at 12 releases in the life of an iPhone fart app today. It's satire! But scary how close it hits to home:

Version 1.3.1 (Apr 10, 2009) – "Gross Fart" will now last the standard 7 seconds, as opposed to the 4 hour non–stop continuous fart.

Version 1.4.0 (Jun 20, 2009) – "Realistic fart smell" feature removed from app, deemed impossible.

That's a taste; head here for the full hilarity. [McSweeney's]

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App Tamer halts your apps to speed up your Mac

Reduce CPU usage and improve your battery life with St. Clair's exceedingly clever App Tamer utility.


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External Link: Wear Your iPad Around Town

If you find yourself carrying your iPad around town a lot, there are plenty of cases that will hold it. But what if you just want to drop it in your pocket and go, as you would an iPhone? For that you'll need a jacket or vest from Scottevest. They look pretty normal, but you'll still rack up a lot of geek points.


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Dialectic telephony app gets 64-bit compatibility,...

JNSoftware has updated Dialectic (http://www.jonn8.com/dialectic/), a telephony tool for the Mac, to version 1.7. Among the new features are 64-bit compatibility, integration with Exchange, CardDAV, & LDAP accounts, and new or improved support for many devices and services including Aastra IP phones, MagicJack, and more.

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Morgan Stanley: Apple's iPad consuming 25% of...

A new model demonstrating the notebook sales trends over the past year shows a significant market-wide decline since the introduction of Apple's iPad.

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Quick Look Review: Free Your Hands With...

Joby has released a version of it’s popular Gorillamobile for the iPhone 3G and 3GS. What is a Gorillamobile you ask? It’s certainly unique, and it’s certainly funny looking. But basically, it’s a flexible tripod that attaches to just about anything.


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Nokia C3-01 Touch & Type smokes the qwerty

The C3-01 Touch & Type is certainly not lacking when it comes to top end technology, it has standard Wi-Fi, a 3.5mm headphone jack, FM radio,

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Why No Warner Bros. On Apple TV? Not Enough Dough [...

Warner Bros. exec Barry Meyer admits the obvious: their content won't show up on Apple TV's because the price wasn't right. WB scoffs at the new, cheaper rental plan—not the first time they've thrown their weight around online. [All Things D]

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iPad launches in China to mild interest [u]

(Updated with Shanghai response) Today's official Chinese launch of the iPad has generated only mild interest, Fortune observes. Although a number of reporters are said to have gathered at the Beijing Apple Store this morning, only about 100 customers lined up. "Plenty" of Wi-Fi-only iPads are claimed to have been in stock; the 3G model is not yet being sold by Apple in China....

China - Asia - Apple -...

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Consumer Reports app 'not recommended'

You'd think that Consumer Reports, judges of all things good and bad in autos, electronics, frozen food, etc. (not to mention smartphones) could get its own app right.

After a late August update, the free app has more crashes than a bad day at the Indy 500. Want to see the problem? Just tap on "Electronics," which is one of the categories at the bottom of the screen. Kaboom! I thought it was just me, but everyone I know with an iPhone 4 has had the same problem, and the iTunes store reader feedback is overflowing with bad reviews and complaints about this bad behavior. Your mileage my vary, but the bug is pretty widespread.

After almost a month, Consumer Reports should have gotten a problem like this one sorted out, but there it sits. The...

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Apple, others in advanced talk with Justice...

Several U.S. tech companies -- including Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe, Intuit and Walt Disney's Pixar unit -- are in advanced talks with the Justice Department to avoid a court battle over whether they colluded to hold down wages by agreeing not to poach each other's employees, reports the "Wall Street Journal" (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405274870344060457549618252755267...), quoting "people familiar with the matter."

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Using Color to Increase Participation

The effective use of color in design has a proven impact on readability, conversion and engagement both online and offline. Sometimes subtle changes in color for headlines and direct response cues can significantly increase a reader’s overall impression of the communication.

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iLounge Weekly coming shortly, sign up today

The latest edition of iLounge Weekly, our weekly newsletter covering all things iLounge, is coming later today. iLounge Weekly is a summary of the week’s best news, reviews, and feature articles we’ve published, and it also features giveaways and iPod accessory discount offers from various companies. There’s still plenty of…

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Campaign Urging Facebook to Unfriend Coal Gathers...

Supporters of the campaign to 'unfriend coal' has now grown to more than half a million strong and in addition to employing straight ahead techno-rational arguments, a new video from Greenpeace takes a more humorous tack.

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Intel said cutting chip prices to goose demand,...

Intel is slashing processor prices to keep demand alive and possibly to offset the iPad effect, Canaccord Genuity analyst Bobby Burleson said today. The chip producer was reported in checks as having cut prices by half on Atom, Core i3, Core i5 and Core i7 chips and by 15 percent for some chipsets. The move was predicted to fuel short-term demand, though it would come mostly from computer builders stocking up....

IPad - Companies - Web Design and Development -...

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iPad debuts to big crowds in China

The iPad officially went on sale in China Friday morning and hundreds of people lined up at Apple stores to be the first to get the tablet device. "Silicon Alley Insider" (http://www.businessinsider.com/china-ipad-lines-2010-9) says that "unlike in the other countries, Chinese consumers had to tough it out through a big rain storm to get their tablet at Apple's Beijing store."

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Samsung Galaxy Tab: Hands On

The first real Android tablet contender, the Samsung Galaxy Tab, may provide a serious challenge to the iPad.

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Griffin, Prophetik team on Folio for iPhone 4

Griffin Technology and sustainable fashion house Prophetik have teamed up to create their first product, the Folio case for iPhone 4. The Folio is a hand-stitched bifold wallet-style case, made from leather taken as byproduct from existing manufacturing processes, and featuring open access to all ports and controls and…

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iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: How to restart the Apple...

If an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch is not recognized in iTunes on Windows, the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) may need to be restarted. Alternatively, you may see the following error when connecting your device:
"This iPod cannot be used because the Apple Mobile Device Service is not started."

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News: Feds Working on Apple, Google Anti-poaching...

The U.S. Department of Justice is apparently in late negotiation talks with Apple, Google and several other tech companies over allegations that they agreed to not hire each other’s employees to keep wages from climbing. The negotiations stem from complaints that the companies had anti-poaching agreements, and wouldn’t cold-call competitor’s employees with job offers.


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European companies worried about Apple, Google...

French newspaper "Le Figaro" -- as noted by "Mobile Business Briefs" (http://www.mobilebusinessbriefing.com/article/orange-t-mobile-telefonica...) -- reports that Stephane Richard CEO of France Telecom-Orange, has invited the heads of Deutsche Telekom, Telefonica and Vodafone to discuss the possible creation of a common platform for mobile devices.

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Analyst Suggests 'Tablet Cannibalization'...

Close on the heels of claims from Best Buy CEO Brian Dunn regarding the iPad cannibalizing sales of notebooks at the electronics retail chain by "as much as 50%", Fortune reports on a new research note from Morgan Stanley's Katy Huberty offer...

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Apple, Google may settle in US antitrust probe of...

Apple, Google and other technology companies are said to be in negotiations with the U.S. Department of Justice for a potential settlement regarding an antitrust investigation of anti-poaching agreements.

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MacTech Conference adds virtualization panel

MacTech Conference 2010 added a couple of new events to its November show, further expanding the depth of offerings for developers and IT professionals. The first addition is that Macworld VP & Editorial Director Jason Snell will moderate a panel on virtualization, a topic that has become more important to many users of the past [...]

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External Link: MacTech Conference Adds...

The organizers of the MacTech Conference, coming up in early November, have announced the addition of a panel on trends in virtualization, to be moderated by Macworld VP and Editorial Director Jason Snell, along with a study hour and exam session for all current Apple Certification Exams that will take place at the close of the conference.


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Warner Bros. holds out on iTunes show rentals

Warner Bros. is not participating in 99-cent iTunes TV rentals for several reasons, the Associated Press reports. Speaking at a Thursday investor conference hosted by Merrill Lynch, studio CEO Barry Meyer explained that Warner considers the 99-cent price too low. Rentals would also hurt sales of full seasons, the executive claims....

Warner Bros - Merrill Lynch - Arts - Apple -...

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What's new (and gorgeous) in iOS 4.2 beta

If you're as excited as I am about the iOS 4.2 beta being released, you probably spent the majority of Wednesday paging through all of the tech blogs and/or neglecting your responsibilities as an adult. For those of you who aren't able to experience Apple's latest firmware until November, I've rounded up all the tastiest morsels and topped them with a delicious set of screenshots.

iOS 4.2 beta has some great new features for all three of the main touch devices, meaning that you can expect the following on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad come November:

  • AirPlay: Demoed by Steve Jobs at the keynote on September 1st, AirPlay gives the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch the ability to stream music to the Airport Express and...
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Warner Bros. Opted Out of iTunes TV Show Rentals...

A brief report from the Associated Press cites comments from Warner Bros. CEO Barry Meyer revealing that the company's refusal to join Apple's new 99-cent TV show rental program is based on pricing concer...

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News: Euro Mobile Companies Moving to Block Apple,...

Europe’s mobile phone service providers are apparently unhappy with the power Apple and Google seem to have in their market and are looking at ways to take that control back from the companies. France Telecom-Orange CEO, Stephane Richard, has gone so far as to call a meeting with other service providers to start working on a joint strategy, and possibly even an alternate mobile phone OS.


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Nikon Q may be mirrorless interchangeable camera...

Nikon's plans for a small interchangeable lens camera may have garnered support on Friday as a tease from an anonymous source hinted at what might be its mounting system. What appears to be a dry run for a presentation obtained by Nikon Rumors shows slides with "Nikon Q" and a stylized logo underneath. Another shows the Q over the lens area on the darkened frame of what looks like a pro camera, implying a new lens format other than DX or FX....

Nikon - Camera - Photography -...

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Flipboard for iPad gets more content, customizable,...

A seemingly minor update to this "personal social magazine" for reading Twitter and Facebook on an iPad brings a number of user requested features. You can now add up to 21 sections, retweet with comment,


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Adobe Releases 64bit Flash Player For Mac, Windows...

Hot on the heels of not releasing a successful mobile version of Flash, Adobe is turning it’s attention back to Flash for desktop computers.

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MacFlatplan is new Mac OS X pagination solution

Independent developer Heikki Ohvo has announced MacFlatplan 1.0 (http://www.heikkiohvo.com/en/ohje19.html) for Mac OS X 10.4.11 and higher, an US$39 pagination solution for magazines and other publications. The application enables the user to view a color-coded map of all the pages of their publication, providing a complete overview of the relative location, page number, and category of content of every page.

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Apple shipping 27-inch Cinema Display

Apple is shipping its 27-inch LED Cinema Display with 2560 x 1440 resolution and 60% more screen real estate than the 24-inch LED Cinema Display. It costs US$999.

Featuring a built-in iSight video camera, microphone and speakers, powered USB 2.0 hub, and universal MagSafe connector, the new LED Cinema Display is designed as a companion for the MacBook family or a Mac desktop. The screen uses the same 16:9 ratio panel as the 27-inch iMac.

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'DigiTimes': Second gen iPad coming in...

Component suppliers including touch panel and reinforced glass suppliers for the iPad are completing validation with Apple for the second-generation Apple tablet, says "DigiTimes" (http://www.digitimes.com/news/a20100916PD215.html), quoting Taiwan-based component suppliers.

Apple is expected to launch the second-gen iPad in the first-quarter of 2011, the article says. Some folks had thought it might see the light of day in time for the holidays, but perhaps not.

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Apple, Google, and Others in Negotiations With...

The Wall Street Journal reports that the U.S. Department of Justice is in "advanced" talks with Apple, Google, and several other large tech companies looking to reach a settlement over an investigation of...

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7 Ridiculously Expensive Gadgets You Probably...

1. Grab a mobile device that everyone can buy

2. Put more precious metal & stones on it than you can count.

3. ???

4. Profit

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Fix missing metadata display in Finder Icon View

In Finder's View Options the option 'Show item info' (Cmd+J) can be enabled if you are in Icon View mode, and if enabled additional item metadata information is shown below the icon labels, e.g. number of items inside a folder, the running time of a music file or the dimensions in pixels of an image file. This option is stored on a folder-by-folder basis, just like the view is.

In case the extended metadata for images or music files does not show up — even with the 'Show item info' option enabled — the reason for this is simple: Finder uses Spotlight to gather this information; so to gather the missing metadata for display Spotlight simply must be enabled for the volume, or the index may need to be rebuilt.

To rebuild the index, open up the Spotlight system preference, and click on the Privacy tab, click the plus button, and add the volume you want to reindex. Wait a few minutes, then select the volume in the privacy area, and click...

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Cleanup web pages before printing in Safari

Safari 5 introduced the Safari Reader to allow for great reading and printing of web pages by removing a lot of the clutter you wouldn't want to have in the printed copy. Unfortunately, Safari Reader is not available on all pages, but only those it recognizes as 'articles.' [crarko adds: And Readability is still available for other browsers.]

This hint shows you how you can get rid of those items and save a clean version on pages where Reader is not an option.
For this hint you need to have the Development options active. In Safari 5's Preferences go to the Advanced setting and click 'Show Develop menu in menu bar.'

  • For each of the elements that you want to remove right-click on the element and select 'Inspect Element.'
  • The Inspector window will open and highlight the element.
  • If you hover over other HTML code the page will highlight the elements that are...
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Metakine releases Hands Off! 0.9.1 for Mac OS X

Metakine has released Hands Off! (http://www.metakine.com/products/handsoff/) for Mac OS X 0.6.4 and higher. It's an US$19.95 application to monitor and control the access of applications to your network and disks.

When connected to the Internet, applications can send any information stored on your computer to whoever they want without you ever knowing. Using Hands Off!, you can monitor and control Internet connections from all applications as to expose hidden connections and prevent them from sending data or phoning home without your consent, according to the folks at Metakine.

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Broken Sword games available at Macgamestore

Macgamestore (http://www.Macgamestore.com) has released adventure games, Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - Director's Cut and Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror for the Mac. They require Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later and cost US$9.95 each.

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Rowmote Pro update for Mac OS X adds three, four...

Regular Rate and Rhythm Software have announced Rowmote Pro 3.2 (http://rowmote.com), an update to the $4.99 remote control solution for Mac OS X and Apple TV. The upgrade adds three and four finger gestures support.

Rowmote Pro emulates the Apple hardware remote control. It controls and switches between over twenty popular applications, from music applications like iTunes and PandoraJam to video players such as DVD Player, Hulu Desktop, Plex, and Front Row, to presentation tools such as Microsoft Powerpoint and Apple Keynote.

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App Tamer 'tames' apps on Mac OS X 5 and...

St. Clair Software has released App Tamer (http://www.stclairsoft.com/AppTamer/) for Mac OS X 10.5 and higher. The US$14.95 app gives you control over your applications so you can save battery and CPU power. A 15-day demo is available for download.

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Hot Forum Topic: Apple’s Product Allure

Apple’s products seem to have a way of drawing people’s attention, and today one TMO reader shared a story of how his new iPod nano drew a crowd. Chime in and share your Apple product attention grabbing experiences.


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Etc: The new 27" LED Cinema Display is now...

The new 27" LED Cinema Display is now available to order from the online Apple Store, and ships in "1–2 weeks."

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Apple Store (US), previous Ars coverage

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AirPlay to allow streaming from apps to Apple TV,...

AirPlay, Apple’s revamped version of AirTunes meant for streaming audio, video, and photos to compatible devices, may also allow for streaming of content from third-party applications, according to a new report. Citing testing done by a reader using the first iOS 4.2 beta, Mac Rumors reports that every application…

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Samsung Galaxy Tab to take on Apple's iPad via...

Samsung's Android-powered Galaxy Tab will be coming to all four major U.S. wireless carriers in the coming weeks and months, as the company hopes to compete with Apple's iPad in the booming touchscreen tablet market.

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Newsday iPad ad vanishing from YouTube

An ad for Newsday's iPad app is disappearing from YouTube under mysterious circumstances, reports note. The video depicts a man browsing the app in his kitchen, only to destroy his iPad when he accidentally uses it as a flyswatter. The ad became extremely popular last weekend, logging over 600,000 views between Friday and Monday. But the copy linked to by major news outlets, such as the New York Times, has since been removed by Newsday....

YouTube - IPad - Newsday -...

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Analyst: iPad has shrunk the whole notebook market

Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty today issued a note claiming evidence that the whole notebook industry is shrinking due to the iPad. She pointed to NPD data from August which showed retail notebook sales having declined year-over-year for the first time. Notebook sales had started falling rapidly in April, when the iPad first shipped, and the decline has already continued in the first week of September....

Apple - Hardware - Business and Economy -...

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Best Buy to expand iPad availability, sales...

Here's another report of the iPad stealing attention and money away from more traditional computing. Best Buy's CEO Brian Dunn tells the Wall Street Journal that the iPad has "cannibalized" sales of laptops by up to 50%, meaning that customers in the big box retail store have gone for Apple's tablet rather than a traditional keyboard-and-screen computer. That's pretty astounding, although if you think about the period Best Buy has just been through, with back-to-school students and parents shopping for consumer technology, it's not surprising to think that lots of people would go for a brand-new iPad over a similarly-priced laptop.

Best Buy is also expanding its iPad coverage, bringing the Apple product to all of its over 1,...

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Google revamped Google Health platform with user-...

Google redesigned ‘Google Health‘, a personal health record (PHR) service with more user-friendly features. The features are more updated, helping users to focus more on wellness and fitness.

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Apple’s suppliers prepping materials for second-gen...

Apple’s component suppliers are said to be preparing for the launch of Apple’s second-generation iPad in the first quarter of 2011.

Per DigiTimes, the suppliers are completing validation for the second-generation iPad, which will maintain the same 9.7″ screen when it debuts in the first quarter of 2011.

“Component suppliers of iPad are expected to start shipments for the second-generation iPad at the beginning of 2011,” the report said.

Specifically cited suppliers were TPK Touch Solutions, WinTek, Cando, Cimei Innolux. Together, they are said to be validating “ultra-thin glass-based touch panels with Apple.”

As reported last week, Apple plans to move aggressively on adding FaceTime functionality to its entire line of iOS...

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Best Buy CEO: iPad cannibalizing laptop PC sales

Best Buy CEO Brian Dunn has said that the iPad is eating into sales of traditional laptop PCs. Speaking with the Wall Street Journal, Dunn said that internal estimates showed the iPad had cannibalized sales of laptop PCs by as much as 50%. “It’s a very different environment now,”…

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News: China Sees Big iPad Launch Turnout

Apple’s iPad is off to a big start in China. The company launched its multimedia tablet device in the country Friday morning to long lines filled with excited customers.


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Verizon: No Froyo for Droid Eris

Verizon Wireless confirmed that the Android 2.2 update known as Froyo will not be provided for the Droid Eris smartphone, outraging some customers.


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11 Most Useful iPhone Blogging Applications For Free...

iPhone is one of the most famous multimedia-enabled smartphones. Commonly people utilize such devices for web surfing, keep themselves organized and for better

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AT&T to launch LTE 4G network in 2011, expand...

Wireless carrier AT&T appears to be planning to launch its fourth-generation high-speed wireless network by mid-2011, and will continue to expand its speedy HPSA+ 3G network this year.

Per FierceWireless, the company is currently conducting trials of its 4G long-term evolution network in Baltimore, Maryland and Dallas, Texas, the company’s operations chief executive, John Stankey, said Thursday at the Bank of America Merrill Lynch 2010 Media, Communications & Entertainment Conference. He also said the company is on track to launch its LTE network by mid-2011.

The timing of AT&T’s launch could allow for the next-generation iPhone, likely to be unveiled in June as it is every year, to connect to the high-speed 4G wireless network. Apple in the past sought to hire experts on LTE, presumably for a forthcoming handset.

AT&T will reportedly spend US$700 million on...

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Warner Bros. skeptical of Apple’s TV rental plan

Speaking at the Bank of America/Merrill Lynch 2010 Media, Communications & Entertainment Conference, Warner Bros. Entertainment Chairman Barry Meyer expressed doubts about Apple’s plan to rent HD TV shows through the iTunes Store for $0.99 per episode, according to a Los Angeles Times report. “We just don’t think the…

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iPhone Apps: Manga Rock MF, The Sims 3 Ambitions,...
News: Apple Lining Up iPad 2 Parts, Suppliers

Apple is apparently in the process of testing and selecting components for the second generation iPad, including reinforced touch panel glass.


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Apps: Acorn, AppShelf, MultiBrowser
Dell ships 30-inch UltraSharp U3011 with IPS panel

Dell today started selling the UltraSharp U3011 as its new flagship display. The 30-inch, 2560x1600 display centerrs on an IPS panel that produces the same 1.07 billion colors as other top displays and should have a color range wide enough to be used for pro image editing. The contrast ratio is also better than once expected as the LED backlight brings it to a 1,000,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio....

Dell - HDMI - DisplayPort -...

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TUAW's Daily App: Fruit Ninja

We've covered Halfbrick's later game Monster Dash here in this space (and it's a good one -- I'm still giving it the occasional run-through on my iPhone), but their great Fruit Ninja title has never actually been given this particular spotlight. Let's fix that now. Fruit Ninja is a simple but well-polished title that has you hacking up fruit by slashing your finger across the iPhone's touch screen. It's only a buck on the App Store (the HD version on iPad is US$4.99), and if you haven't bought it yet, you'll find a fun pick-up-and-play game that looks great and runs smoothly.

If you have bought it (and considering that a few million people did, you probably have),...

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Apple Stock Watch: AAPL Closes at New High

Apple’s stock shares closed the market on Thursday at US$276.57, marking a new record closing price for the Mac, iPhone and iPad maker.


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Mayan Puzzle update adds new levels, enhanced...

Mind Crew has released a free update to Mayan Puzzle adding new content and achievements. Mayan Puzzle is a variant of a match-three puzzle game that provides different playing styles ranging from an action puzzler approach to a more classic strategy game and includes impressive special effects, an original Mayan…

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Undercroft released for iPhone, iPod touch

RuneScape makers Jagex Games Studio launched a free role-playing game for iPhone and iPod touch this week.


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New Apple TV to Get Apps?

Yesterday's confirmation that the new Apple TV shares the same iOS codebase as the Apple's iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad has resparked discussion about the possibility of Apple TV Apps in the near future. Several sites are suggesting that th...

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Will AirPlay Stream Hulu or Other Video Apps to...

One of the most anticipated features in iOS 4.2 is the introduction of AirPlay for Apple TV. AirPlay will allow you to stream audio and video from your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad directly to your Apple TV.

With AirPlay, you ...

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Product News: Apple Rolls Out 27-inch Cinema Display

Apple’s new 27-inch Cinema Display finally began shipping on Friday. The company introduced the LED backlit display at the end of July with a promise to ship in September.


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LG Electronics chief resigns over poor phone sales

LG Electronics CEO Nam Yong resigned today to take responsibility for poor phone sales. The executive will leave as of October 1 and will be replaced by early company veteran and LG International head Koo Bon-joon. Replacements normally wait until the end of the year, but the company wanted to give Bon-joon time to prepare for the next year, LG said....

Apple - Shopping - IPhone - MacNN -...

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Apple's 27-inch LED Cinema Display now...

Apple on Friday made its 27-inch LED Cinema Display, packing a 2,560-by-1,440 pixel resolution and 178-degree viewing angle, available for sale in its online store for $999.

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Microsoft working on apps for iPad

It's funny -- for all of Microsoft's blustery bravado and insecure jealousy, the company really seems to spread itself around pretty evenly. Microsoft blogger Paul Thurrott has tweeted that Microsoft is indeed working on apps for the iPad. So, despite Ballmer's own complaints and the ongoing rumors of a competitor, there is apparently a team somewhere at One Microsoft Way working on apps for iOS.

We joke, but it's not all that much of a surprise -- Microsoft has already released a few...

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AutoStich Handily Expands the iPhone Camera's...

While there are hundreds of thousands of apps for the iPhone, knowing what you need before you need it is a challenge even Apple hasn't been able to overcome. Case in point: A photo-stitching app that can take several small-frame photos of a panoramic vista and stick them together to create one big glorious photo. Of course, there are applications that do this for Mac, Windows and Linux computers, but I don't get the impression they are widely used among millions of consumers. Why? It's sort of the out of sight, out of mind problem.

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Suppliers preparing for 2nd-gen iPad launch in Q1...

Apple's overseas touch panel and reinforced glass suppliers are said to be preparing for the launch of Apple's second-generation iPad in the first quarter of 2011.

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Is the iPad saving journalism?

In an effort to find out the impact of the iPad on journalism, RJI Program Director for Digital Publishing Roger Fidler and the Reynolds Journalism Institute have launched a National iPad survey.

With iPad sales expected to hit 28 million in 2011, more than personal computers, consumers are accessing their news direct from their tablets.  What does this mean for the journalism industry.

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Apple 27-inch LED Cinema Display now shipping

Appleís anticipated 27-inch Cinema Display first announced in July, is now shipping. According to Appleís online store, the display will reach buyers within 1-2 weeks. The 16:9 LED backlit, widescreen display revolves around a 2560x1440 resolution with in-plane switching (IPS) that produces better color accuracy and wider viewing angles...

Apple - Macintosh - Companies - Articles -...

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Category Review: driver's ed software for Mac...

This MacNews Category Review looks at driver's ed products for the Mac. Products covered include GPS Academy, Online Drivers Ed and Virtual Drive of America.

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Maybe we'll see Macs with USB 3.0, after all

My gut had been telling me that Apple -- always an innovator -- would forego USB 3.0 entirely and go straight to Light Peak technology in 2011. Apparently, my gut was wrong. Maybe the feeling was indigestion.

Whatever it was, Intel said this week that Light Peak won't be shipping in computers or other devices until 2012. The chipsets to drive the fiber optic data link WILL be ready by late 2011, but that means Macs with Light Peak won't arrive before early 2012, at the latest.

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TRENDnet launches new GREENnetT switches

TRENDnet (http://www.trendnet.com) has released the 16-Port Gigabit GREENnet Switch, model TEG-S16Dg, and the 24-Port Gigabit GREENnet Switch, model TEG-S24Dg, which feature TRENDnet's embedded power saving GREENnetT technology.

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Acorn for Mac OS X grows to version 2.5

Flying Meat has updated Acorn (http://flyingmeat.com/acorn/)h, a layer-based bitmap image editor. A free update for registered users, to version 2.5. The new version adds support for layer masks and the ability to set a matte background color for transparent images via the program’s Web export tool. There are also new Automator actions for using Acorn to watermark, crop, and manipulate images with JavaScript.

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Apple's 27-inch Cinema Display now available

About a month and a half after the introduction of the 27-inch Apple Cinema Display, it's finally available on Apple's online store. US$999 will get you a huge display with the following specs:

  • 27" diagonal display with 16:9 aspect ratio and in-plane switching
  • 2560 x 1440 max resolution
  • LED backlight with 1000:1 contrast ratio
  • 178-degree viewing angle
  • Built-in iSight with microphone
  • Built-in 2.1 speaker system (49 watts)
  • Three self-powered USB 2.0 ports
  • One cable with MagSafe, USB 2.0, and Mini DisplayPort with audio support

The new 27" Cinema Display replaces the extremely outdated 30" model and has a shipping date of 1-2 weeks. If the visual quality is anything like what's on the 27" iMac, it's sure to be a gorgeous display.


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MacTech Conference 2010 adds two featured panels

MacTech has announced two new additions to its panel at the MacTech Conference 2010 --register here for a $50 discount-- for IT Pros and Mac developers, running November 3-5, 2010 in Los Angeles. The conference has two tracks, one for IT professionals and another for Apple developers. The three-day event takes place at the Sheraton Universal in Universal City. It will have mobile and desktop sessions, focusing on the Mac, iPhone, iPad and iPod. There will also be special speakers, a MacTech Bowl and Apple Certification testing....

Apple - IPod Touch -...

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Suppliers Preparing for 1st Quarter 2011 Launch of...

Digitimes reports that touch panel and glass suppliers are completing validation for Apple's second generation iPad.

Apple is expected to launch the second-generation iPad in the first-quarter of 2011, the suppliers noted.


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iPhone Case Made From Recycled Leather Looks...

Looking fresh off the cow's back, these limited-edition iPhone and iPod cases are pretty much the most eco-friendly you'll get. They're from sustainable US fashion designer Prophetik, and made with iAccessory-maestros Griffin.

That roughly-hewn look might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I kind of like how natural they look—like something you would've cobbled together in home economics class as a kid. All the materials are recycled and hand-stitched, with various compartments for credit cards and the like, plus hand-cut openings for the lens and port.

The kicker, however, is that it costs $60 / £50. It might be cheaper bribing a young friend to make one in home economics class after all. [Griffin]

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Apple's 27-Inch LED Cinema Display is Now...

It took a good month and a half, but today Apple stocked its virtual storefront with the 27-inch LED Cinema Display. Shipping will take between 1 - 2 weeks for the $999 monitor. [Apple via @gaberivera]

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Apple's 27" LED Cinema Display Now On Sale

As anticipated, Apple has started selling the 27" Apple LED Cinema Display on their online store.

Connect the 27-inch Apple LED Cinema Display to your Mac and supersize your view with an incredible 2560-by-1440 resolution, L...

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Best Buy CEO claims iPad has killed 50 percent of...

The iPad now appears to be such a success that it is making people turn away from more conventional forms of technology in favor of Apple’s tablet.

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Best Buy CEO says Apple's iPad has halved some...

Internal estimates at Best Buy suggest the iPad has cut into notebook sales by as much as 50 percent.

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Thursday September 16

Adobe releases beta of 64-bit Flash for Mac OS X,...

A preview release of a 64-bit version of Flash Player 10 is now available from Adobe.

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Intel confirms legitimacy of HDCP 'Master Key...

Intel has confirmed that the alleged HDCP 'Master Key,' leaked earlier this week, is the specific code used to secure the copyright-protection standard. The code presumably could be used to create usable source and sync keys, effectively circumventing the DRM protections used in many Blu-ray players, DVD players, displays and set-top boxes....

High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection - HDCP - Digital rights management -...

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Crowds gather for China iPad launch, China Unicom...

Chinese Apple fans braved heavy rain Friday morning to be the first to purchase the Wi-Fi iPad from Apple. China Unicom began taking pre-orders for the iPhone 4 Friday at 10 a.m.

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House Your Wireless Apple Products in a Nice, Wooden...

Keep your wireless keyboard, Magic Trackpad, and Apple remote neat, perfectly placed, and right at your fingertips. For those of us who don't have the full collection, there are three variations of this black walnut keyboard tray, so no worries.

They keyboard-only tray runs for $69, keyboard+trackpad is $74, and the model pictured is $79. If you're on the eco side, you'll be glad to know that all parts of the tray's design and production were created using sustainable practices. [Combine Collective]

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Apple shares reach new all-time closing high.

Shares of Apple, Inc. today rose $6.35, or 2.35%, to reach a new all-time closing high of $276.57.

Trading volume was slightly above average at 23,115,967. Apple shares last set an all-time closing high on June 18, 2010 when the price hit $274.16 and the all-time intraday price is $279.01 set on June 21, 2010.

Market value for the California-based company is currently $252.66 billion. Only Exxon Mobil surpasses Apple in market value whereas Microsoft, Berkshire-Hathaway, and Walmart, respectively, follow Apple among top U.S. publicly-traded companies.

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Samsung Galaxy Tab to be sold by four major US...

Samsung's Galaxy Tab will be sold by T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless, AT&T, and Sprint.


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XBMC 10.0-beta2 - Powerful media center tool for Mac...

XBMC 10.0-beta2XBMC is an award winning media center for Mac OS X. The ultimate High Definition hub for all your media, XBMC is easy to use, looks slick, and has a large helpful community.

WHAT'S NEWVersion 10.0-beta2:

  • Just over two weeks after beta1, the next pre-release version of Dharma is ready for testing. We have closed many bugs, touched up some translations, and updated a substantial number of addons. With beta2, we also made the last-minute decision to include web-interfaces as addons. This means that we will be able to keep the new interface (still a work in progress, should be ready by final) up to date, and also developers may submit their interfaces to the official repository. There are several in development already: some for file management, some for editing metadata, and some to simply control XBMC remotely.


  • Mac OS X 10....

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Thunderbird 3.1.4 - Email client from Mozilla. (Free)

Thunderbird 3.1.4Thunderbird is a free, open source, cross-platform e-mail and news client developed by the Mozilla Foundation. The project strategy is modeled after Mozilla Firefox, a project aimed at creating a web browser.
WHAT'S NEWVersion 3.1.4: Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
REQUIREMENTSMac OS X 10.4 or later.
More information

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iTubeX 7.8 - Download videos, .mp3 and .swf Flash...

iTubeX 7.8iTubeX allows you to download videos (Flash, HTML5 and others), .mp3 and .swf files from almost every website as easily as possible.

You can also choose to save only the audio of a video as a .mp3 file and save complete webpages as .jpg, .png, .tiff, .pdf (with or without links) or .eps files.

iTubeX also has a feature to convert files into a lot of other filetypes, for the iPhone, iPod Touch, other mobile phones and even more filetypes.

iTubeX is available in English, German, Italian, Greek, Swedish, Spanish and Dutch and it is Universal Binary.
WHAT'S NEWVersion 7.8:

  • A rare problem that could cause downloads to freeze when they were almost finished should now finally be fixed.
  • Added two new features (both are still beta features, so they might not always work correctly): \'Send to Speed Download\' and \'Copy URL to Clipboard\'. These can...

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Picasa - Organize, edit, and share your...

Picasa and Picasa Web Albums allows you to organize, edit, and upload your photos to the web from your computer in quick, simple steps. Arrange your photos into folders and albums and erase their blemishes using powerful editing tools in Picasa. Then use Picasa Web Albums to share those perfected photos online with family, friends, and the world.

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Tinderbox 5.6.0 - Store and organize your notes,...

Tinderbox 5.6.0Tinderbox is a personal content management assistant. It stores your notes, ideas, and plans. It can help you organize and understand them. And Tinderbox helps you share ideas through Web journals and web logs.

Tinderbox\'s agents automatically scan your notes, looking for patterns and building relationships. Agents help discover relationships and help make sure important things don\'t get lost. Agents are easy to make and easy to modify. They\'re flexible and powerful.

Tinderbox can even gather and update changing information and breaking news from the internet.

When it\'s time to share your notes, Tinderbox can assemble multiple notes into one page. Updates are a breeze -- even if you update several times a day. Private notes, timestamps, permanent links, archives: everything you want, just the way you want it.

WHAT'S NEWVersion 5.6.0: Release notes were...

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Hands on: Samsung Galaxy Tab

Following Samsung's official Galaxy Tab unveiling for the US market, Electronista took advantage of an opportunity to handle the new device ahead of public availability. The North American device appears to match the same set of features as the European counterpart, which was introduced earlier this month....

Apple - Military - Aviation - C-5 Galaxy -...

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Touchscreen suppliers lining up for next iPad in...

Touchscreen part suppliers were said this evening to be validating their processes for the next full-size iPad. Cando, Chimei Innolux, TPK and Wintek are all supposedly having "ultra-thin," 9.7-inch glass touch panels tested for the Apple tablet before they can enter full production. The Digitimes contacts expected the parts to ship at the very start of 2011 for a launch sometime in the early part of that same year....

Apple - IPhone - IPod -...

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Video demo of ABC's My Generation synchronized...

As Dave reported earlier, ABC and Nielsen have teamed up to develop an iPad app that supports the new series My Generation. Users run the app while watching the show -- either live or recorded -- and it will stay synced with the section of the episode you're watching by "listening" to the audio from your television, using the built-in microphone.

From there the app will present you with polls and quizzes related to what you're watching, along with other interactive elements. You can get a sense of how this new form of interactivity will play out by watching the video above. [Yes, it's Flash; sorry, but ABC's hosting it and that's the only way to get at it. -Ed.]

While you're watching TV, the iPad is actually watching you, in a manner of speaking; the app serves as a tool for...

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External Link: How Not to Use Twitter, by the Joy of...

Thanks to Snaggy and Nitrozac for this Joy of Tech comic identifying 12 of the most annoying types of Twitter users - we promise to think before we tweet!


Read and post comments about this article | Tweet this article

Read the full article at TidBITS, the oldest continuously published technology publication on the Internet.

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Apple, Google, more in late talks to settle poaching...

Several technology companies are near the end of talks with the Department of Justice to settle and avoid an investigation into claims of anti-competitive hiring deals, insiders said tonight [sub. required]. Apple, Adobe, Google, Intel, Intuit and Pixar are all hoping to avoid an antitrust case and will potentially halt any pacts they have to avoid poaching each other's employees. The WSJ noted that some of the firms are more willing to settle than others, but didn't say which....

Google - Searching -...

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Lawsuit targets advertiser over sneaky HTML5 pseudo-...

A New York-based mobile-web advertising company was hit Wednesday with a proposed class action lawsuit over its use of an HTML5 trick to track iPhone and iPad users across a number of websites, in what is believed to be the first privacy lawsuit of its kind in the mobile space.

The company, Ringleader Digital, uses HTML5's client-side database storage capability as a substitute for the traditional cookie tracking employed by all major online ad companies. Mobile Safari users visiting sites with Ringleader ads are assigned a globally unique ID number which is stored by the browser, and recalled by Ringleader whenever they revisit.


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Yahoo’s Internal Three Year Plan: 1 Billion Users...

Yahoo unveiled a bevy of new product features today at a press event, and Yahoo product chief Blake Irving told the crowd “You’re going to see things over the next few years that will feel a little bit different.

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Then Welcome to Android

Google vice-president for engineering Vic Gundotra, on-stage at the I/O developer conference in May, regarding why Google created Android:

If Google didn’t act, it faced a draconian future where one
man, one phone, one carrier were our choice. That’s a future we
don’t want.

Skyhook Wireless, in their “complaint and jury demand” filed against Google yesterday (I’m hosting a copy of their entire filing (PDF), and I highly recommend you read it — it’s not long, and is written in pretty straightforward plain language), regarding Google’s control over which devices have access to the Android Market:

22. Google’s established practice in determining Android
compliance consists of two steps. The first step requires each

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Best Buy CEO: iPad Is Cannibalizing Laptop Sales By...

The CEO of Best Buy just said the iPad is cannibalizing 50% of the company's laptop sales, the Wall Street Journal reports.

When consumers walk into Best Buy now, they don't look at or want laptops, instead they're drawn to the iPad. "People are willing to disproportionately spend for these devices because they are becoming so important to their lives," says CEO Brian Dun.

Bad news for Dell, HP...

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Samsung Media Hub brings movies, TV to Galaxy Tab,...

Samsung as part of its Galaxy Tab unveiling we attended tonight kicked off the launch of Media Hub, a companion video store for its devices. The initial version will offer movies and day-after TV shows from NBC, Paramount, Universal and Warner, with more expected later. Content is DRM-protected but can be shared between five phones or tablets....

Television - GalaxyTab - Verizon - Android...

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Speeding cameras are one-eyed bandits

Officials in cities that enlist these cameras to catch scofflaws (but not generate revenue) count on good citizens lining up behind them in the name of public safety. But where do we draw the line? Is that making the world safe for democracy? Or is it granting technology a power we'd never cede to a fellow human being?

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Remains of the Day: In the garden of good and evil

What do you get the CEO who has everything for the 25th anniversary of the day he was booted from his own company? Meanwhile, Yahoo has identity issues, Google has morality issues, and, in a terrifying move, Nokia hires a Steve Ballmer impersonator to run the company.


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How to make your home ready for gadgets of tomorrow

With smart planning, you can bring similar digital delights into your 1970s ranch home or 1920s bungalow sooner than you might think.

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iPad Getting a Subscription Infrastructure?

itwbennett writes "Peter Smith is blogging about an article in the San Jose Mercury News leaking news that Apple is 'almost ready to take the wraps off a new system to support subscriptions. The terms, if the leaks are accurate, sound less than ideal for publishers though. Apple will take 40% of advertising revenue, and 30% of subscription fees from participating publishers. In return, Apple will offer consumers the ability to opt-in to sharing their data with the publishers.' Apple isn't commenting on the speculation. 'In somewhat related news, Apple has released iOS 4.2 to developers. This is the version of iOS that will let iPads, iPhones and iPad Touches print to a WiFi-enabled or shared printer on a local network, via the new AirPrint service. It sounds like you'll be able to print articles from your digitally delivered newspaper before too long,' says Smith."


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It's official: HDCP master key is legitimate....

The leaked HDCP master key protecting millions of Blu-ray discs and devices that was posted to the Web this week has been confirmed as legitimate, Intel representatives said late Thursday.

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Samsung Galaxy Tab official for AT&T, Sprint, T-...

Samsung at its special event tonight confirmed plans to ship the Galaxy Tab to the US through all major carriers. AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon will all have versions of the seven-inch Android tablet. All of them will share the 1GHz processor, built-in 3G, front and back cameras and skinned Android 2.2 of the European edition....

Sprint Nextel - Verizon - AT&T - Sprint -...

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TUAW App Shootout: Comparing Quickoffice and...

Although the iPad was never designed to be a laptop replacement, iWork for iPad was featured as one of the platform's star programs. If you're happy with the simplistic iWork format -- and want to pay $9.99 each for Pages, Keynote and Numbers -- then stick with it. However, for a few dollars more than the cost of just one iWork for iPad app, you can purchase either Documents To Go or Quickoffice and get all of the apps rolled into one.

Gallery: Documents To Go for iPad


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How-To: Migrating to a new user account in OS X

Sometimes when troubleshooting problems with a user account, the easiest solution is to create a new account and migrate your data over to it, instead of finding the roots of the problem and fixing them.

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Smartphone Talk Time Claims Put to the Test [...

The good folks at Tested wanted to find out if smartphones really give you as much talk time as the manufacturers claim they do. Most held up admirably. But the biggest loser of the bunch was the iPhone 4.

Indeed, in Tested's testing some of the phones actually surpassed their promised talk time: the Samsung Captivate logged 354 minutes over a promised 350, and the iPhone 3GS had an actual talk time of 330 mintes, half an hour longer than the 300 promised minutes.

But the phones that had the loftiest claims also disappointed the most. The Motorola Droid 2 had the longest actual talk time of the six phones tested—465 minutes—but it also had the highest promised talk time of 575 min.

The biggest discrepancy, though, came with the iPhone 4, which promised 540 minutes but only delivered 382. Update: Tested's math was a bit off: the iPhone 4 promises 420 minutes of talk...

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RIM claims Torch had good launch, skeptical of work...

RIM during the call discussing its latest results tried to downplay talk of threats to its business. It claimed that the launch of the BlackBerry Torch was the most successful launch of a GSM phone in RIM's history and created a "meaningful" increase in sales. Companies were speeding up their validation processes to get BlackBerry 6 devices like the Torch sooner, the company said....

IPhone - People - Video game -...

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iBank 4 gets better online support, streamlined...

A major upgrade to this popular financial management app brings a refined interface to streamline financial management and tracking. Also included is better support for downloading transactions from banks and importing from competitors like Quicken, Microsoft Money, and others.


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Android is taking the smartphone market, but don...

To read all the latest internet posts, the iPhone is all but dead, succumbing to the onslaught of Android phones being bought by customers in massive numbers. ComScore, who watches mobile use very carefully, pretty much says Android is rapidly eating away at the iPhone market share.

It's enough to make an Apple stockholder or fan weep, or at least get a bit nervous. The problem is, it's all a bit over-hyped. In a Fortune column today, the numbers get a bit of welcome perspective. While Android phones are doing very well, with market share up 5% in the three month period ending July 31 from the previous three months. Meanwhile Apple is down 1.3%, but the numbers don't...

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Barnes & Noble expects $1 billion in digital...

Barnes & Noble said it will it will exceed $1 billion in e-book and digital book sales by 2013.


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Verizon won't carry Windows Phone 7 at launch

Verizon set out a major obstacle to Windows Phone 7's adoption today as it revealed that it won't have a Windows Phone 7 device on launch. Carrier spokeswoman Brenda Raney told Bloomberg that there would be no WP7 device at all on Verizon in 2010 and that there would "probably" be a model in 2011. She stressed that the death of the Kin hadn't soured the relationship, which was still "solid."...

Windows Mobile - Windows Phone 7 - Android -...

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Apple TV definitely running iOS, could be jailbreak...

The next-generation Apple TV slated for release in late September was widely rumored to be based around an ARM architecture and the same iOS that powers Apple's mobile devices. However, the interface that Steve Jobs demoed looked identical to the one on the previous Apple TV, leaving some question about the underlying software. Configuration files in the iOS 4.2 beta released this week confirm that the new Apple TV...

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News: AT&T Launching LTE Network Mid 2011

Apple’s U.S. iPhone partner, AT&T, is targeting mid 2011 for its official LTE, or 4G, wireless network launch. As part of the rollout, the cell service provider plans to offer LTE coverage to upwards of 75 million customers by the end of the year.


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Hipstamatic update to add photo-printing service

The popular retro camera app Hipstamatic is slated to get an update Friday that will add a photo printing service via the HipstaMart.com Website. Users will be able to order 4- and 7-inch prints of their images from within the app.


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HP exec says multiple Palm WebOS products coming...

HP CTO says new and multiple Palm WebOS powered devices, probably including tablets, are going to launch this year.

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Games: Make Babies on Your iPhone with The Sims 3:...

The Sims 3: Ambitions from Electronic Arts hit the App Store Thursday.  The newest expansion of the people simulator is designed for iPhone and iPod touch, and works on the iPad in compatibility mode. It adds several new features, including Career Mode, Build Mode, the ability to import and expoert from other Sims game, and the most important feature, Babies.


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Alarms helps out with 'productive...

I started playing with a new app called Alarms yesterday, and it's already become indispensable to me. It's rare that something fits so perfectly into my workflow that I don't think twice about the space it takes up in my (already frighteningly crowded) menubar. What is it, you ask? It's an unobtrusive means of scheduling tasks on a timeline, seeing your upcoming tasks and taking care of things one at a time.

Alarms isn't a replacement for a full-fledged task management system, but it's perfect for remembering to reply to emails that you aren't ready to tackle at the moment, honey-do items, turning the fish filter back on 10 minutes after feeding ... anything that just needs a gentle reminder at a specific time. Read on for more details.

TUAWAlarms helps...

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RIM ships 12.1 million BlackBerry phones, slows in...

RIM today broke another record in BlackBerry shipments but also gave some signs of trouble for adoption. The company moved 12.1 million smartphones during its summer but also saw the number of new BlackBerry users drop compared to the spring. Of the mix, 4.5 million were new to BlackBerry accounts versus 4.9 million last season....

BlackBerry - Smartphone - Handhelds - ...

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AT&T Looking To Launch LTE (4G) Network by Mid-...

FierceWireless reports that U.S. iPhone carrier partner AT&T is on track to deploy its "4G" LTE cellular network by mid-2011, with plans to cover 70-75 million people by the end of 2011. The carrier has also stressed that it is investing in ...

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Scosche, Speck introduce new iPad cases, bags

Speck has launched three new iPad bags, while Scosche has unveiled the foldIO iPad case. Speck's A-Line 10 is a handbag-style product with a zippered, padded and microfleece-lined main compartment. Two zippered pockets in the interior store other items, and include passthroughs for headphone cords. The A-10 comes in gray and purple, black and gray, or brown and red....

Shopping - IPhone - Apple - ...

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EA releases The Sims 3 Ambitions

Electronic Arts has released its latest games in The Sims franchise for the iPhone and iPod touch. The Sims 3 Ambitions expands upon the features and scenarios offered in the earlier two Sims titles allowing players to turn their Sims’ hobbies into professions, build homes and businesses and even have…

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Adobe releases beta of 64-bit Flash Player for Mac.

Adobe announced the release of a beta preview version of Flash Player codenamed “Square” for Mac, Windows, and Linux offering 64-bit support.

“The community has been very vocal around the need for native 64-bit support and we’ve heard you loud and clear. Today we’re also sharing a refresh of the Linux 64-bit version of Flash Player together with the first preview of both the 64-bit Windows and Mac versions. If you’re using a 64-bit browser, I encourage you to install a 64-bit version of Flash Player and give it try,” Adobe’s announcement reads.

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Found Footage: Windows 95, 3.1 running on jailbroken...

If you can get past the sight of Windows 3.11 (gack...) and Windows 95 (hurl!) running on an iPad, then hit the play button in the YouTube embed above and be prepared to be visually and audibly assaulted (by no less than Metallica).

YouTube user MSComputerVideos provides a complete tutorial on how to make your iPad look like a relic from the 1990s by using a jailbroken iPad and the open-source Bochs emulator (frequently used for such efforts).

A rip of the 'Kill 'Em All' t-shirt to tipster MS.


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iPhone 4, iPad, and iPod touch (4th generation):...

You can use the iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter to connect your iPad, iPhone 4, or iPod touch (4th generation) to a compatible TV, projector, or VGA display.

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Acorn 2.5 gets layer masks, more Automator actions

A major update to this image editor brings a number of new features such as Layer Masks (a Photoshop-like tool) and more Automator actions, as well as a long list of behavior refinements and bug fixes.


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iPod shuffle (2nd generation): Understanding status...

This document explains the status light behavior of the iPod shuffle (2nd generation) .

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AT&T to move most 3G sites to HSPA+, vows real...

AT&T's planned HSPA+ 3G upgrade will hit more areas and deliver much faster real-world speeds than expected, the company's operations president John Stankey said in a presentation at a Bank of America/Merrill Lynch telecoms event today. Initially characterized as hitting only strategic locations, the faster service should now reach most areas and hit a practical 7Mbps speed when its network is unhindered. The benchmark is roughly in the middle of Verizon's estimated 4G speeds, although its LTE-based hardware will give lower latency and higher peak speeds of 12Mbps....

High Speed Packet Access -...

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Official Facebook iPad app is 'coming soon,...

An official Facebook app for the iPad is "coming soon," claims Oecoway co-founder Cyril Moutran. The developer is responsible for Friendly, an unofficial Facebook iPad app that costs 99 cents. People at Facebook are claimed to have told Moutran that official iPad software is in production, and nearing release. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has promised an iPad app since June....

IPad - Facebook - Social Networking -...

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iOS 4.2 features improved YouTube, CoreMIDI support

A number of new features and improvements have been discovered in the first beta version of iOS 4.2. AppleInsider reports that the software features an updated YouTube application with like and dislike buttons, as well as support for the CoreMIDI framework, which could enable iOS devices to interface with…

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Apple files slew of patents related to AirPlay,...

Apple has prepared a lengthy list of patent applications related to its AirPlay and AirPrint wireless standards. The filings, which include 11 separate applications, include descriptions of features that will allow any iOS device to send data to third-party accessories....

Apple - IPhone - AirPrint - IOS -...

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24 Hours in the Apple Store | ZUG

Twenty-four consecutive hours in an Apple Store: a hipster's dream come true.

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Quick Look Review: ABC and CBS News Apps for iPad:...

ABC and CBS have both published news apps for the iPad with little brother versions for the iPhone/iPod touch. This review looks at the iPad versions which are colorful, well written, and fairly complete. One, however, is clearly superior. 


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Dear Aunt TUAW: Burn baby burn

Dear Aunt TUAW,

Is iTunes slowly encouraging the death of CDs? The burn icon at the bottom of the interface has disappeared as you can see in this screen shot.


Your nephew Sean

TUAWDear Aunt TUAW: Burn baby burn originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Thu, 16 Sep 2010 15:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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AT&T on track to launch LTE 4G network by mid-...

AT&T, the exclusive carrier of Apple's iPhone in the U.S., plans to launch its fourth-generation high-speed wireless network by mid-2011, and will continue to expand its speedy HPSA+ 3G network this year.

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Games: At Last! Pretend to be Movers in a Game!

We know you’ve been eagerly awaiting a game where you can play a mover, and developers Ed and Fred have, at long last made the dream come true. The Movers is now available on the App Store for iPhone and iPod touch (iPad in compatibility mode), allowing you to live the dream of being a mover!


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iPad to hit five Latin American countries on Friday...

China won’t be the only country to get the iPad on Friday. Per Macworld, Apple announced that the iPad will also arrive in five South American countries on September 17th.

The countries that will receive the iPad on Friday are Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Unlike China, however, customers in these countries will get a choice between the iPad’s Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi + 3G models.

Customers can check availability and pricing at Apple’s Latin American store finder.


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App Store Developers See Long-Stalled Submissions...

One week ago, Apple announced changes to its App Store rules regarding app development using third-party tools, also moving to provide an open look at the guidelines for the app review process. Together the moves appear to have significantly lifted ...

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Yahoo prepping tablet-friendly home page, iPad clock...

Yahoo's Project Runway event today brought out a major push towards tablets with two new creations. On top of its HTML5 mail, the early search firm will have an HTML5-based home portal optimized for tablets. The page is geared towards the iPad but will give any suitably equipped tablet large, touchscreen-friendly views of highlighted articles as well as usual information like stocks and weather....

IPad - Yahoo - Tablet -...

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'Unknown' Apple product actually revised...

Earlier references to an unknown product were actually pointing to the overhauled Apple TV, an iPhone developer notes. Examining the initial iOS 4.2 beta, the developer points out that code previously mentioning only an "iProd 2,1" now contains "AppleTV 2,1." It was previously assumed that the device would be a new iPad, owing to the first iPad being codenamed iPad 1,0 and then 1,1....

Apple - IPhone - Macintosh -...

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Canon intros PowerShot G12 and 35X megazoom

The PowerShot G12 adds HD video recording and new shooting modes to the G11's foundation of features, while the PowerShot SX30 IS offers the largest optical zoom range we've seen in a fixed-lens camera.


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Introducing the App Hall of Fame!
App discoverability continues to be a real issue. With the fast churn of apps in the App Store, an app has only a few weeks of promotional life in it before it‚Äôs largely forgotten. There are a few things developers can do to fix that, but those... | Read more »
Gobliiins Are Coming
In the midst of the huge Q4 launch schedule, the cult classic, Gobliiins, as well as the rest of the trilogy, are being ported to the iPhone in all of their original glory. The Goblins trilogy was a quirky Atari/Amiga game series from the early 90‚Äôs... | Read more »
myPhoneDesktop – Chrome to iPhone Extens...
Anyone who has used myPhoneDesktop knows that it is a fantastic tool for streamlining your onscreen workflow. Instead of having to type line after line into your phone directly, you can use myPhoneDesktop to type from your computer directly into... | Read more »
Classes Review
Developer: Dustlab Price: $0.99 Version Reviewed: 2.4.7 iPhone Integration Rating: 3 out of 5 stars User Interface Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Re-use / Replay Value Rating: 3 out of 5 stars Overall Rating: 3.33 out of 5 stars | Read more »
AutoVerbal Talking Soundboard Pro helps...
Being able to speak and communicate with others is something that many of us take for granted. It‚Äôs not so easy for many folks though, in particular for individuals with autism spectrum disorders, as well as those who have suffered various brain... | Read more »
Pocketbooth Review
Developer: Project Box Price: $0.99 Version Reviewed: 1.0 iPhone Integration Rating: 4 out of 5 stars User Interface Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Re-use / Replay Value Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Overall Rating: 4.17 out of 5 stars | Read more »
Get Your Roast Right With ‘Time To Roast...
Roasting meat, in the cooking world, is about as simple as it gets. The greatest roast recipe I‚Äôve ever found is from Michael Ruhlman‚Äôs website, with the recipe titled, ‚ÄúThe World‚Äôs Most Difficult Roasted Chicken Recipe.‚Äù | Read more »

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