Licensing & Trademarks

QuickTime Logo

QuickTime 7

QuickTime is Apple’s multi-platform, industry-standard, multimedia software architecture. It is used by software developers, hardware manufacturers, and content creators to author and deliver synchronized graphics, sound, video, text, music, VR, and Streaming Media.

Licensing QuickTime for Distribution

Selecting the right QuickTime 7 licensing agreement is the first step. Download the appropriate agreement (PDF) at the end of the descriptions below.

Note: The fields within these PDFs are modifiable, but you must print, sign and submit the hard copies as directed on the checklist attached to each document.

Once you've initiated your license, you can download the self-contained installers and artwork logo files below.

Note: You are not permitted to distribute the QuickTime installers until your agreement is executed by Apple.

Licensing options are available for:

  • Distribution of QuickTime 7 with Software and Multimedia Products

    The QuickTime 7 SDA Software agreement (PDF) is available for software developers, game developers and multimedia producers whose products require that the user have QuickTime installed.

    Note: QuickTime is not available for distribution on “freeware” compilation CDs.

  • Adding a Software or Multimedia Title to an Existing QuickTime 7 SDA

    To add a product title to an existing QuickTime 7 license, you’ll need to download and complete the QuickTime 7 Supplement to Exhibit A form (PDF). The distribution license for your new product is effective upon our receipt and acceptance of the supplement.

  • Distribution of QuickTime 7 Within an Organization

    The QuickTime 7 Site License agreement (PDF) is available for businesses and universities who wish to install the QuickTime player on machines owned or leased by their organization.

    Note: To distribute QuickTime within your organization with a multimedia CD ROM title, you must use the QuickTime SDA Software agreement (PDF).

  • Distribution of QuickTime 7 with Personal Computers

    Licensing is available for PC developers who plan to manufacture a product with QuickTime pre-installed on the hard drive. Contact Software Licensing for details.

  • QuickTime File Format License (PDF)

    To be used by consumer electronics manufacturers who use the QuickTime format in their products. All other developers interested in using the QuickTime File Format should contact Software Licensing with details about their products.

  • Distribution of QuickTime 7 Pro

    Special approval is required. If your hardware or software product requires that users have the Pro version of QuickTime, contact Software Licensing for details.

Downloading and Using the QuickTime 7 Installers

You may download the standalone version of the QuickTime installers using the link below. These installers do not require that your users have an Internet connection. You may use the installers in the development of your product prior to licensing. Only after your agreement is fully executed may you proceed with distribution.

Download the self-contained QuickTime 7 installers.

Downloading and Using the QuickTime Logo

If you host QuickTime content on your website, you may use the QuickTime Web Badge in accordance with Apple’s QuickTime Web Badge guidelines.

If you meet any of the following criteria, you may use the QuickTime logo itself in accordance with the logo guidelines below:

The QuickTime Logo is available for download below in high-resolution EPS print-quality format for these uses.

Only the most recent versions of the logo may be used, and they must be used in accordance with the QuickTime Logo Guidelines (PDF) and, if you are an SDA licensee, in accordance with your agreement.

Please contact the Software Licensing team if you have any questions.

Download the QuickTime Logo Guidelines (PDF) for important information regarding the use of the logo.

Read the statement below and Download the compressed QuickTime logo artwork files (ZIP).

Note: By downloading the QuickTime Logo artwork, you agree that you will use this trademark only in conjunction and compliance with the guidelines, agreements and criteria listed above.