Licensing & Trademarks

Works with iMovie


For iMovie Plug-in Developers

Have you created some great iMovie plug-ins? Tell the world by using the “Works with iMovie” logo. Get started by following these steps:

  1. Download and review the required agreement (PDF).
  2. Download the Works with iMovie Logo Guidelines (PDF).
  3. Complete and mail (post) the originally-signed agreement to the address referenced on the form (faxes not accepted.)
  4. Read the statement below and download the iMovie artwork files (ZIP).

Note: By downloading the iMovie artwork, you agree that you will use this trademark only in conjunction and compliance with a Works With iMovie Trademark Agreement (PDF) approved by Apple Inc.

Once your license is approved by Apple, you may begin displaying the logo according to the agreement and logo guidelines.

If you have questions regarding the Works with iMovie Trademark Agreement, please email

For Digital Video Camera Developers

Want to show the world that your digital video camera works with Apple’s iMovie Use the “Works with iMovie” logo.

Start by downloading the licensing agreement, the logo usage guidelines, the camera test matrix and the “Works with iMovie” artwork.

  1. Download and review the Required Agreement (PDF).
  2. Download the Logo Guidelines (PDF).
  3. Download the Camera Test Matrix (PDF).
  4. Complete and mail (post) the originally-signed agreement and the Camera Test Matrix to the address referenced on the form (faxes not accepted.)
  5. Read the statement below and download the artwork files (ZIP).

Note: By clicking on this artwork download link, you agree that you will use this trademark only in conjunction and compliance with a Works With iMovie Trademark License Agreement (PDF) approved by Apple Inc.

Once we receive the signed license agreement and the completed test matrix, we’ll review the documents.

If your camera passes and your license is approved, you may begin displaying the logo according to the agreement and Logo Guidelines. Your camera will also be eligible for inclusion on Apple’s iMovie Device Compatibility web page.

If you have questions regarding the Works with iMovie Trademark Agreement, please email