Licensing & Trademarks

iTunes Distribution


iTunes is the world’s best digital jukebox with the #1 music store inside.

Distribution of iTunes by Colleges and Universities

With the iTunes CD License for colleges and universities (PDF), higher education institutions can distribute iTunes to students with other software via CD.

With the iTunes Server License for colleges and universities (PDF), schools can distribute iTunes to students via controlled access campus servers.

Distribution of iTunes Within an Organization

The iTunes Site License agreement (PDF) is available for businesses who wish to install iTunes on machines owned or leased by their organization.

Initiating an Agreement

There are no licensing fees associated with the licenses above. To apply for a license, download the agreement form and fill in all the requested information. Then sign and send two copies of the agreement to the address referenced on the form (faxed agreements are not accepted).

Other Distribution of iTunes

In some circumstances, it is possible to license iTunes for distribution with your company’s products. To inquire, please email your request to Software Licensing.

Note: iTunes is not available for distribution on “freeware” compilations.

Obtaining the iTunes Installers

The iTunes for Mac or Windows installers may be downloaded here. You may not undertake any distribution of iTunes or the iTunes installers until one of the agreements above has been fully executed by Apple.

iTunes and QuickTime Logo Usage

All installations of iTunes also require the installation of QuickTime. Some of the licenses above require the licensee to utilize the iTunes and QuickTime logos in accordance with the iTunes Software Logo Guidelines and the QuickTime Logo Guidelines. The logo artwork is provided to licensee upon approval of these agreements by Apple.

If you have any questions about licensing iTunes or QuickTime, contact Apple Software Licensing.