[^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
16.1 ........... INTRODUCTION
? .............. Display C/R and results of each expression in <Ques-list>.
@ .............. Positions the screen cursor in a specific location.
@...?? ......... Functions identically to the ?? command. - FASTER -
@...SAY ........ Prints a character string to the device selected.
PICTURE ........ Specifies a string which controls the output of SAY & GET.
FUNCTION ....... Specifies a string which is used as an alternative...
FORMAT ......... Contains code specific to the SAY-GET I/O system.
@...GET ........ Converts variable data into a character string.
FILTER ......... Filters each key as it is input.
VALID .......... Initiates evaluation of a logical expression after a GET
ID ............. allows VALID & FILTER functions to identify the GET ...
PROMPT ......... Print character string to device selected by SET DEVICE TO
ACCEPT ......... Displays an optional prompt and allows for string input
APPEND BLANK ... Add blank record to end of alias.
APPEND FROM .... Add records from <Append-alias> to current alias
AVERAGE ........ Total the value of all expressions in <Exp-list>
BUILD .......... Creates the file <C-exp> and constructs a database header
CALL ........... Executes a binary file previously placed in memory by LOAD
CANCEL ......... Alternative command for QUIT.
CHANGE ......... Alternative command for EDIT.
CLEAR .......... Clears the screen.
CLEAR GETS ..... Deletes list of active input GETs from read list.
CLEAR MENU ..... Clears the current menu structure from memory.
CLEAR TYPEAHEAD  Clears the keyboard buffer.
CLOSE .......... Closes designated files and releases all memory allocated
CONTINUE ....... Sets record number to next record which meets condition.
COPY FILE ...... Copies a files from a source to a target file.
COPY TO ........ Copies records to the database file.
COUNT .......... Counts the records within the [Scope] of the alias...
DELETE ......... Marks specified records within [Scope] for deletion.
DIR ............ Display the specified directory.
DISPLAY ........ Display the results of <Ques-list> for each record...
DISPLAY STRUCTURE displays the structure of the database
EDIT ........... Allows changes to field data in current or selected alias
EJECT .......... Sends a carriage return and formfeed to print device.
ERASE .......... Erases the specified file.
FIND ........... Is an alternative for SEEK.
FLUSH .......... Writes all database records associated current alias
GO ............. see GOTO for details
GOTO ........... Sets the record pointer to the specified record.
GOTO BOTTOM .... Sets the record number to the last logical record.
GOTO TOP ....... see GOTO BOTTOM for details.
INDEX .......... Creates an index file for the current alias.
INPUT .......... Displays an optional prompt then allows for string input.
LABEL .......... Displays labels specified by <Label-ident>.
LIST ........... Displays the results of <Ques-list> for each record.
LIST STRUCTURE . Lists the structure of an alias.
LOAD ........... Allocates memory for a file and loads the file into memory.
LOCATE ......... Positions the record pointer to the first record match.
MENU TO ........ Activates a menu initialized by @...PROMPT command.
ON ERROR DO .... Causes execution of <Procedure> when runtime error occurs.
ON KEY DO ...... Redirects keyboard input through the specified function.
OPEN ........... Opens database and index files and associated memo files.
PACK ........... Removes deleted records from a database and reindexes.
_QUIT .......... Terminates your program and returns to DOS
QUIT ........... Closes all open files, terminates program & returns to DOS
READ ........... Activates pending GETs.
RECALL ......... Restores records marked for deletion in the alias.
REINDEX ........ Causes all indexes for a database to be regenerated.
RELEASE MODULE . Removes an entry from the CALL list & releases its memory.
RENAME ......... Changes the name of a file.
REPLACE ........ Replaces contents of <Field-var> with results of <?-exp>.
REPORT ......... Displays the report specified by <Report-ident>.
RESTORE ........ Initializes variables from a memory variable file.
RUN ............ Executes a child process.
SAVE ........... Saves the contents of memory variables to disk.
SEEK ........... Searches index of a database file for 1st matching record.
SELECT ......... Activates the specified work area.
SET ALIAS ...... Establishes a file name for an alias.
SET ALTERNATE .. Controls the alternate flag or creates an alternate file.
SET BELL ....... Controls the bell flag.
SET CENTURY .... Controls the century flag.
SET COLOR TO ... Controls the color and attributes of the console.
SET CONFIRM .... Controls the status of the confirm flag.
SET CONSOLE .... Controls the console flag.
SET DATE ....... Controls the format of a date variable.
SET DECIMALS TO  Establishes the number of decimal places displayed
SET DEFAULT TO . Sets the DOS default drive and/or directory to <C-exp>.
SET DELETE ..... Controls the deleted flag.
SET DELIMITERS . Establishes the delimiters for the GET system.
SET DEVICE TO .. Sets the output device for the @...SAY command.
SET EXACT ...... Controls the exact flag.
SET EXCLUSIVE .. Designates if database/index files are exclusive/shared.
SET FILTER TO .. Inserts or removes an <L-exp> from the filter list.
SET FIXED ...... Controls the fixed flag.
SET FORMAT TO .. Sets the current format block to <Format-ident>.
SET INDEX TO ... Opens the index files in <Index-list> specifies order.
SET INTENSITY .. Controls the intensity flag.
SET LABEL TO ... Initalizes the label form used in the LABEL FORM command.
SET MARGIN TO .. Sets the left margin to <Uint-exp>.
SET MESSAGE TO . Sets the row for display of the menu system message.
SET ORDER TO ... Determines the master index alias.
SET PRINT ...... Controls the print flag.
SET PRINTER TO . Specifies the print device.
SET RELATION TO  Inserts or deletes a relation from the relation list.
SET REPORT TO .. Initializes a report form that is used in the REPORT FORM.
SET SCOREBOARD . Controls the status of the scoreboard flag.
SET STATUS ..... Controls the status line of an EDIT.
SKIP ........... Moves the record pointer in an alias.
STORE .......... Alternative method of assigning memory variables.
SUM ............ Totals <Exp-list> for each record within [Scope]...
TEXT ........... Displays either a TEXT block or <Text-ident>.
TYPE ........... Displays the contents of a disk file to the screen.
UNLOCK ......... Releases a file or record lock in the current work area.
USE ............ Opens and/or closes a database, index and memo files.
WAIT ........... Displays an optional or default prompt...
ZAP ............ Removes all records and associated memo fields.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson