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#+-| SET COLOR TO |---------------------------------------+###################
#| +--------------+ The SET COLOR TO command controls the |###################
#|                  color and attributes of the console.  |###################
#+--| Syntax |-----------------------------------------+######################
#|     SET COLOR TO [<C-exp> [,<C-exp>[,<C-exp>]]]     |######################
####+---| Description |---------------------------------------------------+###
####| SET COLOR TO is used to set the color and attributes of the console |###
####| by using the character values shown in the COLOR TYPE TABLE.        |###
####|                                                                     |###
####|  ################################################################   |###
####|  #+--------------------| COLOR TYPE TABLE  |---------------------+  |###
####|  #| CODE          USAGE              CODE         USAGE          |  |###
####|  #|                                                              |  |###
####|  #| B             Blue               R            Red            |  |###
####|  #| BG            Cyan               W            White          |  |###
####|  #| G             Green              X            Blank          |  |###
####|  #| GR            Brown              *            Blinking       |  |###
####|  #| GR+           Yellow             +            High Intensity |  |###
####|  #| N             Black              U            Underline      |  |###
####|  #| RB            Magenta            I            Inverse Video  |  |###
####|  #|                                                              |  |###
####|  #|       Codes U and I apply only to monochrome monitors.       |  |###
####|   +--------------------------------------------------------------+  |###
####|                                                                     |###
####| The first expression sets the color for standard input and output   |###
####| through the ?, INPUT, ACCEPT, and @...SAY commands.  The second     |###
####| expression sets the color for enhanced input and output through     |###
####| the @...GET command.  The third expression sets the color of the    |###
####| border surrounding the display area of the screen.  The first two   |###
####| expressions consist of a color code for the foreground and a color  |###
####| code for the background separated by a slash(/).                    |###
####| The border has only one color code                                  |###
####| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |###
####| If SET COLOR TO is specified without any <C-expN> expressions it    |###
####| resets the colors to their default values.                          |###
####| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |###
####| You may set the colors directly through the __color_std and         |###
####| __color_enhcd variables.  These variables are set by the SET COLOR  |###
####| TO command.  Instead of using character strings, which must be      |###
####| processed by the SET COLOR TO command, they accept interger values. |###
####| This results in MUCH smaller and faster code.                       |###
####| see colors.hdr for predefined color values.                         |###
#########+--| Example 1 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Set monitor colors.                                 |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| ? "Hello"                   && Default color.            |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| SET COLOR TO "BG/N","R+/W","G"                           |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| ? "Hello again"             && Cyan on black.            |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| @ 10,10 GET sales->name     && This field is             |#########
#########|                             &&  intense red              |#########
#########|                             &&  on white with            |#########
#########|                             &&  a green border.          |#########
#########| READ                                                     |#########
#########+--| Example 2 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Set the colors from a configuration file.           |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| RESTORE scolor, ecolor FROM "config.y"                   |#########
#########| SET COLOR TO scolor, ecolor                              |#########
#########+--| Example 3 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Set colors directly through the FORCE variables     |#########
#########| *    __color_std and __color_enhcd.                      |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| #include data.hdr                                        |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########|     {...}                                                |#########
#########|     __color_std = &WHITE_BLUE                            |#########
#########|     __color_enhcd = &WHITE_YELLOW                        |#########

See Also: SET DELIMITERS SET INTENSITY __color_enhcd __color_std
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson