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#+-| SET EXACT |-----------------------------------------------+##############
#| +-----------+ The SET EXACT command controls the exact flag |##############
#+--| Syntax |-------------------+############################################
#|     SET EXACT <ON || OFF>     |############################################
##########+---| Description |--------------------------------------+##########
##########| ON                                                     |##########
##########|                                                        |##########
##########| Two strings are considered equal if one of these       |##########
##########| conditions is TRUE:                                    |##########
##########|                                                        |##########
##########|   * Strings are of equal length and contain the same   |##########
##########|     sequence of characters.                            |##########
##########|   * Right <C-exp> contains only spaces from position N |##########
##########|     to the end of the string.  Position N is the last  |##########
##########|     non-space character.                               |##########
##########|   * Left <C-exp> contains only spaces from position N  |##########
##########|     to the end of the string where position N is the   |##########
##########|     length of the shortest string.                     |##########
##########| ------------------------------------------------------ |##########
##########| OFF                                                    |##########
##########|                                                        |##########
##########| Strings are compared from the first position in both   |##########
##########| strings.  The comparison continues until one of these  |##########
##########| conditions is TRUE:                                    |##########
##########|                                                        |##########
##########|   * Strings are of equal length and contain the same   |##########
##########|     sequence of characters.                            |##########
##########|   * Strings are equal for length of Right <C-exp>.     |##########
##########| ------------------------------------------------------ |##########
##########| The default value for SET EXACT is ON.                 |##########
#########+--| Example 1 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| SET EXACT OFF                                            |#########
#########| ? "" = "David"              && .F.                       |#########
#########| ? "David" = ""              && .T.                       |#########
#########| ? "David" = "David    "     && .F.                       |#########
#########| ? "David" = "    David"     && .T.                       |#########
#########| ? "David Lowrey" = "David"  && .T.                       |#########
#########| ? "David" = "David Lowrey"  && .F.                       |#########
#########| ? "David" = "david"         && .F.                       |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########|   SET EXACT ON                                           |#########
#########| ? "" = "David"              && .F.                       |#########
#########| ? "David" = ""              && .F.                       |#########
#########| ? "David" = "David    "     && .T.                       |#########
#########| ? "David    " = "David"     && .T.                       |#########
#########| ? "David Lowrey" = "David"  && .F.                       |#########
#########| ? "David" = "David Lowrey"  && .F.                       |#########
#########| ? "David" = "david"         && .F.                       |#########

See Also: SEEK
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson