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#+-| ? |----------------------------------------------------------------+#####
#| +---+ The ? command displays a carriage return and the results of    |#####
#|       each expression in <Ques-list> to the screen.  The display can |#####
#|       be routed to a text file through the SET ALTERNATE command.    |#####
#+--| Syntax |--------------+#################################################
#|     ?[?][<Ques-list>]    |#################################################
######+---| Description |----------------------------------------------+######
######| The ? command outputs a string to the current cursor position. |######
######| Each expression in <Ques-list> is separated by a space         |######
######| character.                                                     |######
######| -------------------------------------------------------------- |######
######| [<Ques-list>]                                                  |######
######|                                                                |######
######| FORCE supports columnar formatting with the ? and ?? commands. |######
######| Any expression printed through the ?/?? commands may have an   |######
######| optional column width field, and if the value displayed is     |######
######| double precision, an optional decimal place field.             |######
######| -------------------------------------------------------------- |######
######| The format of a <Ques-list> is as follows:                     |######
######| <expression>[:<nwidth expression>[:<decimal expression>]]      |######
######| -------------------------------------------------------------- |######
######| The <nwidth expression> is the number of columns to display    |######
######| the results of <expression>.  <decimal expression> is the      |######
######| number of columns to display decimal place values.  Any        |######
######| decimal value is right justified, making it easy to program a  |######
######| listing of double precision values.                            |######
######| -------------------------------------------------------------- |######
######| Any data type may have the corresponding <nwidth expression>   |######
######| field.  For example,                                           |######
######|                                                                |######
######| ? today():6                                                    |######
######| ? a_recno(a), a->dbl_value:dw[d]:dw[d+1]                       |######
######| ? eof():40                                                     |######
######| ? "A character string":80                                      |######
######| -------------------------------------------------------------- |######
######| The ? command respects the status of these flags:              |######
######|    * SET ALTERNATE                     * SET CENTURY           |######
######|    * SET CONSOLE                       * SET DECIMALS TO       |######
######|    * SET FIXED                         * SET MARGIN            |######
######|    * SET PRINT                         * SET DATE              |######
######| -------------------------------------------------------------- |######
######| Presence of a second ? character suppresses the output         |######
######| of a carriage return and line feed.                            |######
######|                                                                |######
######| For example,                                                   |######
######|                                                                |######
######| ? "an example string"                                          |######
######|                                                                |######
######| is identical to                                                |######
######|                                                                |######
######| ?? chr(&CR) + chr(&LF) + "an example string"                   |######
#########+--| Example 1 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Display a string with a carriage return and         |#########
#########| *    line feed prepended.                                |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| ? "this will print on the screen"                        |#########
#########| ?? "at current row+1, column 0."                         |#########
#########+--| Example 2 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Display several expressions, each separated         |#########
#########| *    by the delimiter ","                                |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| ? 3+1, "score and", char_var, .T.                        |#########
#########+--| Example 3 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    A program to show formatting capabilities           |#########
#########| *    with character and numeric values.                  |#########
#########| *    Each line within this program illustrates           |#########
#########| *    a different feature of the ? command.               |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| VARDEF                                                   |#########
#########|     CHAR     char_var        = "formatting test"         |#########
#########|     DBL      number_var      =  3.1412                   |#########
#########|     DBL      number_var_2    = 33                        |#########
#########|     DBL      number_var_3    = 1234512345.5              |#########
#########|     INT      columns         = 10                        |#########
#########| ENDDEF                                                   |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| PROCEDURE force_main                                     |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########|     ? "12345678901234567890"                             |#########
#########|     ? char_var                                           |#########
#########|     ? char_var:6                                         |#########
#########|     ? number_var                                         |#########
#########|     ? number_var_2                                       |#########
#########|     ? number_var_3                                       |#########
#########|     ? number_var:columns+1                               |#########
#########|     ? number_var:5                                       |#########
#########|     ? number_var:5:3                                     |#########
#########|     ? number_var:5:3, number_var:5:2                     |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| ENDPRO                                                   |#########
#########| Program output:       Corresponding line:                |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| 12345678901234567890  "12345678901234567890"             |#########
#########| formatting test       ? char_var                         |#########
#########| format                ? char_var:6                       |#########
#########| format format         ? char_var:6, char_var:6           |#########
#########|           3.1412      ? number_var                       |#########
#########|          33           ? number_var_2                     |#########
#########|    12345123451.5      ? number_var_3                     |#########
#########|           3.1412      ? number_var:column + 1            |#########
#########|     3.1412            ? number_var:5                     |#########
#########|     3.141             ? number_var:5:3                   |#########
#########|     3.141     3.14    ? number_var:5:3,number_var:5:2    |#########
########| Example 3 shows several aspects of the ? command with      |########
########| numeric and character values.  Line 1 shows that character |########
########| expressions are printed at the current cursor position.    |########
########| Spaces are not prepended to the expression before it is    |########
########| output.  These formatting rules are the same for logical   |########
########| and date expressions.                                      |########
########| ---------------------------------------------------------- |########
########| The character, date and logical expressions do not imply   |########
########| a default column width.  To define a column width use the  |########
########| <nwidth expression> field in <Ques-list>.  See line 2.     |########
########| Any string longer than the defined column width will be    |########
########| truncated.                                                 |########
########| ---------------------------------------------------------- |########
########| FORCE displays numeric values, as in line 5, with an       |########
########| implied decimal place at "current cursor position + 11".   |########
########| To control the location of the decimal place, use the      |########
########| <decimal expression> field in <Ques-list>.                 |########

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson