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#+-| OPEN |--------------------------------------------+######################
#| +------+ The OPEN command opens database and index  |######################
#|          files and associated memo files, assigning |######################
#|          the database file to alias <Alias>         |######################
#+--| Syntax |----------------------------------------+#######################
#|     OPEN [<C-exp> ALIAS] <Alias>                   |#######################
#|     [INDEX <Index-list>] [SHARED || EXCLUSIVE]     |#######################
#######+---| Description |--------------------------------------------+#######
#######| OPEN is the preferred command for using a database file and  |#######
#######| its associated indexes.  Unlike the USE command, several     |#######
#######| databases can be opened at one time without concern for the  |#######
#######| status of SELECT or the current work area.                   |#######
#######| ------------------------------------------------------------ |#######
#######| OPEN does not imply the CLOSE of a database.  Unlike the USE |#######
#######| command, OPEN will not close the currently selected database |#######
#######| To close an OPENed file, use the CLOSE <Alias> command.      |#######
#######| ------------------------------------------------------------ |#######
#######| A work area <Alias> is created when OPEN is issued.  OPEN    |#######
#######| changes the current work area to <Alias>.  Use SELECT to     |#######
#######| change the active work area.                                 |#######
#######| ------------------------------------------------------------ |#######
#######| [<C-exp> ALIAS] <Alias>                                      |#######
#######|                                                              |#######
#######| <C-exp> defines the file to be used.  If <C-exp> is not      |#######
#######| defined, then the OPEN command will try to open the file     |#######
#######| set by the last SET ALIAS command or '<C-exp>.dbf'           |#######
#######| if no alias is set.                                          |#######
#######| ------------------------------------------------------------ |#######
#######| [INDEX <Index-list>]                                         |#######
#######|                                                              |#######
#######| If <Index-list> is specified, the first index file in the    |#######
#######| list will become the master index file.  If no extension     |#######
#######| is specified, then .fdx is assumed.                          |#######
#######| ------------------------------------------------------------ |#######
#######| If opening a database in shared mode, do not open any        |#######
#######| associated indexes through the INDEX clause.  This assures   |#######
#######| proper interpretation of the neterr() error code.            |#######
#######| ------------------------------------------------------------ |#######
#######| [SHARED || EXCLUSIVE]                                        |#######
#######|                                                              |#######
#######| The keywords SHARED and EXCLUSIVE specify the access rights  |#######
#######| to the database file.  SHARED allows the database file to    |#######
#######| be used by several users on a network.  EXCLUSIVE specifies  |#######
#######| that the database file should be used by one person.  The    |#######
#######| status of SET EXCLUSIVE serves as the default.  The default  |#######
#######| status for SET EXCLUSIVE is ON.                              |#######
#######| ------------------------------------------------------------ |#######
#######| The OPEN command returns if it can not open a shared         |#######
#######| database due to a network error.  It does NOT return if the  |#######
#######| error condition is caused by a non-network error.  Use the   |#######
#######| net_err() function to obtain the network error code.         |#######
#########+--| Example 1 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    OPEN a specific database file.                      |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| OPEN "mydata.dbf" ALIAS john        &&  Alias is         |#########
#########|                                     &&   required        |#########
#########+--| Example 2 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    OPEN a file with its associated index files.        |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| OPEN "test" ALIAS t INDEX a,b,c                          |#########
#########|                                 && a, b, and c refer     |#########
#########|                                 &&  to index aliases,    |#########
#########|                                 &&  not to filenames.    |#########
#########+--| Example 3 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Use the SET ALIAS <alias name> TO <C-exp> to        |#########
#########| *    initialize the filename for the alias before        |#########
#########| *    opening the alias.                                  |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| DBFDEF  numbers                                          |#########
#########|     INT(3)    counter                                    |#########
#########| ENDDEF                                                   |#########
#########| {...}                                                    |#########
#########| SET ALIAS numbers TO "d:\force\data\numbers"             |#########
#########| OPEN numbers            && Specify only the alias        |#########
#########|                         &&  name. The filename           |#########
#########|                         &&  has been inserted in         |#########
#########|                         &&  the previous command.        |#########
#########+--| Example 4 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    The OPEN command ties a database file to an         |#########
#########| *    alias without use of the SELECT command.            |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| OPEN one                  && Opens "one.dbf"             |#########
#########|                           &&  with alias one.            |#########
#########| OPEN "b.dbf" ALIAS two    && Does not close              |#########
#########|                           &&  "one.dbf".                 |#########
#########| OPEN "c.dbf" ALIAS three  && Does not close              |#########
#########|                           &&  "b.dbf".                   |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| *    At this point..."one.dbf", "b.dbf" and "c.dbf"      |#########
#########| *    are open.  Use all database commands with an        |#########
#########| *    alias override.                                     |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| !one APPEND BLANK                                        |#########
#########| !two GOTO TOP                                            |#########
#########| !three REPLACE three->name WITH "Georgia"                |#########
#########| !one EDIT                                                |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| SELECT two                && Makes two the current       |#########
#########|                           &&  alias.                     |#########
#########| APPEND BLANK              && Append to two.dbf.          |#########
#########+--| Example 5 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Do not mix USE...SELECT <number> with OPEN.         |#########
#########| *    Any database opened with the OPEN command can       |#########
#########| *    not be selected with SELECT <number>.  It must be   |#########
#########| *    selected through SELECT <alias>.                    |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| OPEN abc                                                 |#########
#########| OPEN xyz                  && Append a blank to           |#########
#########| APPEND BLANK              &&  xyz.dbf, the current       |#########
#########|                           &&  alias.                     |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| CLOSE xyz                 && Closes xyz.dbf.             |#########
#########| APPEND BLANK              && Generates an error          |#########
#########|                           &&  because there is           |#########
#########|                           &&  no current alias.          |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| !abc APPEND BLANK         && Append a blank              |#########
#########|                           &&  to abc.dbf.                |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| SELECT 2                  && Will not select             |#########
#########|                           &&  xyz.dbf.  Selects          |#########
#########|                           &&  work area 2, which         |#########
#########|                           &&  can be opened only         |#########
#########|                           &&  by the USE command.        |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| SELECT abc                && abc is the current          |#########
#########|                           &&  alias.                     |#########
#########+--| Example 6 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    A generic open routine for databases                |#########
#########| *    on a server.                                        |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| DBFDEF data1                                             |#########
#########|    {...}                                                 |#########
#########| ENDDEF                                                   |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| DBFDEF data2                                             |#########
#########|    {...}                                                 |#########
#########| ENDDEF                                                   |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| FUNCTION LOGICAL net_open                                |#########
#########|  PARAMETERS ALIAS netdatabase                            |#########
#########|     VARDEF                                               |#########
#########|         LOGICAL retry                                    |#########
#########|     ENDDEF                                               |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########|     REPEAT                                               |#########
#########|         OPEN netdatabase SHARED                          |#########
#########|                           && assumes the database        |#########
#########|                           &&  name is equal to the       |#########
#########|                           &&  alias name.                |#########
#########|         IF neterr() <> 0                                 |#########
#########|             @ 0,0 SAY "Error: Retry? " GET retry         |#########
#########|             READ                                         |#########
#########|         ELSE                                             |#########
#########|             RETURN .T.                                   |#########
#########|         ENDIF                                            |#########
#########|     UNTIL .NOT. retry                                    |#########
#########| ENDPRO                                                   |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| PROCEDURE force_main                                     |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########|     * use the "net_open" function described              |#########
#########|     *  on the previous page                              |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########|     IF .NOT. net_open( data1 )                           |#########
#########|        {...}                                             |#########
#########|     IF .NOT. net_open( data2 )                           |#########

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson