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#+-| PICTURE |----------------------------------------+#######################
#| +---------+ The PICTURE clause specifies a string  |#######################
#|             which controls the output of SAY & GET |#######################
#+--| Syntax |------------------------------------------------------+#########
#|     @<Int-exp,Int-exp> GET <C-exp> [PICTURE <C-exp>              |#########
#|     || FUNCTION <C-exp>] [VALID <L-exp>] [FILTER <Uint-exp>]     |#########
#|     [ ID <Uint-exp> ]                                            |#########
########+---| Description |------------------------------------------+########
########| The PICTURE clause specifies a string which controls the   |########
########| output of the SAY subcommand and the output and input of   |########
########| the GET subcommand.                                        |########
########| The structure of a picture string is:                      |########
########|                                                            |########
########|     "[@<Function-symbol>[<Function-symbol><...>]<Space>]   |########
########|     [<Template-symbol>[<Template-symbol><...>]]"           |########
########|                                                            |########
########| The beginning and ending quotes are required.              |########
########| ---------------------------------------------------------- |########
########| The "@" specifies that all characters between the "@" and  |########
########| <Space> are function symbols.  Characters after <Space>    |########
########| are template symbols.                                      |########
########| ---------------------------------------------------------- |########
########| The meaning of each <Function-symbol> is summarized in the |########
########| SAY FUNCTION TABLE, GET FUNCTION DISPLAY TABLE, and the    |########
########| GET FUNCTION READ TABLE.                                   |########
########| ---------------------------------------------------------- |########
########| The <Template-symbol> is a single character which          |########
########| specifies a formatting option for each character output    |########
########| by either the SAY or GET subcommands.  That is, the first  |########
########| <Template-symbol> character within the format string       |########
########| corresponds to the first character within the SAY or GET   |########
########| character expression.  The second <Template-symbol>        |########
########| character corresponds with the second SAY/GET character    |########
########| and so on.                                                 |########
#########+--| Example 1 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Print a string in uppercase using a                 |#########
#########| *    function symbol.                                    |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| @ 1,7 SAY "string" PICTURE "!!!!XX"                      |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| Output:                                                  |#########
#########| STRIng                                                   |#########
#########+--| Example 2 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Print a string in uppercase using a                 |#########
#########| *    function symbol.                                    |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| @ 10,3 SAY "upper" PICTURE "@!"                          |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| Output:                                                  |#########
#########| UPPER                                                    |#########

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson