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#| SAY FUNCTION TABLE |#######################################################
#+-|<Function-sym>|--| Data Type |--| Usage |-------------------------------+#
#| ! ............... Character .... Convert a lowercase characters          |#
#|                                  in string to uppercase.                 |#
#| ( ............... Integer ...... Display a negative number within        |#
#|                   Long           the () characters.                      |#
#|                   Dbl Precision                                          |#
#| B ............... Numeric ...... Display a number left justified.        |#
#| C ............... Integer ...... Display the string " CR" after          |#
#|                   Long           a positive number.                      |#
#|                   Dbl Precision                                          |#
#| D ............... Date ......... Display a date in MM/DD/YY format.      |#
#| E ............... Date ......... Display a date in DD/MM/YY format.      |#
#| S<Uint-const> ... Character .... Display the first <Uint-const> char.    |#
#| X ............... Integer ...... Display the string " DB" after a        |#
#|                   Long           negative number.  A minus sign will not |#
#|                   Dbl Precision  be prepended to the numeric string.     |#
#| Z ............... Numeric ...... Display a numeric value as spaces       |#
#|                                  rather than the digit 0.  Any decimal   |#
#|                                  place in the number will appear         |#
#|                                  on the screen.                          |#

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson