Equation Edit

   Equation Edit (EqEd) is a program to create mathematical equations
and expressions, which is to be inserted in a report or similar. It
supports output to LaTex and wordprocessors.

   This is for version 0.91 Beta release

  Introduction     - What is this thing
  Requirements     - Will it run on my system?
  Copyright        - Legal stuff

  Installation     - How to get it to work - read it!
  Basic usage      - Quick start
  Main window      - The explanation of gadgets
  Keys             - Which keys does what
  Menus            - How to get it onto disk
  AREXX            - How to integrate it into your wordprocessor

  Future           - What is to come
  Register         - Don't worry - no ShareWare fee
  The Author       - That's me

  MUI              - What is MUI and how to use it
  Program history 

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